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n,a,d f.god ;d;a;d nÆ l+vqfjS
isrlr ;enQ ÿj
fmd,sia w;a;vx.=jg

;u mshd ksji wdikakfha 
u< uQ;%d msglrñka wmsßisÿ lrkjÆ

ksjfia we;s lrk by< jákdlula we;s úfoaYSh n,a,kag ksjfia ldur yd we|ka fjkalr§ ;u mshd jir .Kkdjla ;siafia nÆ l+vqjl isrlr ;enQ nj lshk ldka;djl n,f.d,a, fmd,Sish u.ska w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí'

n,f.d,a," flka.,a, mxpmsáh m%foaYfha  mÈxÑ 42 yeúßÈ fuu ldka;djf.a uj yd ieñhd úfoaY .;j we;'

mshd yd orejka fofokd iuÛ weh ksjfia Ôj;aj ;sfnk njhs fmd,sia mÍlaIK u.ska wkdjrKh ù we;af;a'
;u mshd ksji wdikakfha u< uQ;%d msglrñka wmsßisÿ lrk neúka Tyqj nÆ l+vqfõ oeóug fuu ldka;dj lghq;= lr  we;s nj fmd,Sish mjihs'

ksjfia iqr;,hg we;slrk úfoaYSh rgj, iqkLhska ;sfokl= megjqka iuÛ ksjfia we|ka u; je;sfrñka ksoyfia isáh§ fuu ldka;dj wef.a 73 ka yeúßÈ mshdj nÆl+vqfõ isrlr ;nd we;'

fï iïnkaOj wehg tfrysj whq;= wjysrh yd whq;= isrlr ;eîu hgf;a kvq mjrk nj fmd,Sish mjihs'

nÆ l+vqfõ isrlr isá wod< ldka;djf.a mshd uykqjr m%Odk fmf<a fydag,hl l,lg by; fiajh lr ;sfnk w;r Tyqg isák tlu orejd fuu ldka;dj nj o jd¾;dfjhs' 

l;dlr .ekSug mjd fkdyelsj fnfyúka ÿ¾j,j isá mshd m%;sldr i|yd ueKslayskak frday,g we;=<;a lr ;sfna'

iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ lu,a rKùrf.a Wmfoia u; n,f.d,a, fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s fmd,sia mÍlaIl Ô'fla mqIaml=udr we;=¿ lKavdhula isoaêh ms<sn| mÍlaIK mj;ajhs'

^wfia, l=re¿jxY&

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