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NQ.; nxlrh yeÿfj
wdrlaId fjkakhs
uyskao lshhs (Video)

jeh jQ uqo, uu okakE

fld<U fldgqj ckdêm;s ukaÈrfha msysgd we;s NQ.; nxlrh tjlg meje;s ;%ia;jd§ ;¾ckj,ska wdrlaId ùu i|yd f.dvkÛk ,oaola nj ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d wjOdrKh lrhs'

tu nxlrh ;ud fj; ,enqKq Wmfoia wkqj f.dvkÛk ,o nj mjik ta uy;d th ;udg muKla fkdj wdrlaIl uKav,h i|yd iyNd.s jQ ishÆ wdrlaIdj fjkqfjka nj o yÈis ;;a;ajhka hgf;a jqjo tu nxlrh ;=<£ wdrlaIl uKav,h /iaùfï yelshdj ;snQ nj o fmkajd fohs'

ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd fï nj i|yka lf<a fld<U wNhdrdufha § Bfha ^25& meje;s idlÉPdjlska wk;=rej udOH fj; úfYaI m%ldYhla lrñks'

tys § jeäÿrg;a woyia olajñka uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fmkajd ÿkafka th hqo .egqï meje;s iufha § bÈlrk ,oaola nj;a ;%ia;jd§ka  úiska ieye,aÆ .=jka hdkd fhdod .ksñka m%ydr t,a, lrk iufha § bÈlrk ,oaola nj;ah'

ta fjkqfjka jeh jQ uqo, ;ud fkdokakd nj i|yka l< ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd uqo,a jehjk oE ;ud úiska fiùula fkdlrk nj o wjYH;dj u; th bÈlsÍu fjkqfjka wkque;sh ÿka nj o mejeiSh'

fï w;r ;u rch úiska uydêlrK úksiqre uelaiafj,a mrK.u uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka w;=reoka jQjka iïnkaOfhka fidhd ne,Sfï ckdêm;s fldñiula m;al< nj i|yka l< ta uy;d thska wk;=rej mrK.u uy;df.a ,sÅ; b,a,Su u; cd;Hka;r hqo kS;sh ms<sn| úfYaI{hka lsysmfokl=f.ka Wmfoia ,nd.;a nj o i|yka lf<ah'

Y%Su;a fviauka o is,ajd" Y%Su;a fc*aß khsia" uydpd¾h fâúâ fl%ka" wdpd¾h uhsl,a ksjqgka yd frdâks älaika jeks kS;s úYdrohka iy fïc¾ fckrd,a fcdaka yQïia jeks hqo úfYaI{hka úiska iajdëk ú.%yhla tu fldñiu fj; ,nd § ;sfnk nj fmkajdÿka ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d tu úfYaI{hkaf.a u;hka c.;a udkj ysñlï ljqkai,fha idudðlhkag ,nd§ug hymd,khg hq;=lula ;snQ nj o th bgqlrkakg wjYH ;rï ld,h ;snQ kuq;a th bgqfkdl< nj o m%ldY lf<ah'

fï w;r ta uy;d fmkajd ÿkafka th is;du;du meyer yeß njhs'

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