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27 yeúßÈ ;reKshlf.a
ryia m%foaYfhka .j Èjla
t<shg ths - ^PHOTOS&

27 yeúßÈ ;reKshla wehf.a fhdaks m‍%foaYfhka oeä ÿ.|la yeóug mgka .;a ksid ffjoH iydh ,nd .ekSug i|yd ffjoHjrfhl= yuqùug f.dia ;sfnkjd' oeä ÿ¾.kaoh i;shl muK ld,hl isg mej;s ;sfnkjd'

nelaàßhd widokhla fya;=fjka tu ÿ.o yukjd we;ehs weh is;d we;' kuq;a ffjoHjrhd wehj mßlaId lsÍfï§ mqÿu ysf;k wdldrfha fohla oel,d ;sfhkjd' th Tyqf.a jir 30l ffjoH ðú;fha lsisu Èkl oel fkd;snQ fohla'

ffjoHjrhd l=vd ldphla oud ne¨úg W,la jeks hula fhdaksh ;=, ;sfnk whqre oel we;" th bj;a lsÍug W;aidy l<;a fkdyels jQ w;r weh Y,Hl¾uhlg ,la lsÍug jydu frday,lg we;=,;a l<d'

ie;alfuka miq miq ffjoHjrhd wef.a fhdaks ud¾.h ;=< ;sî ish,a,ka mqÿuhg m;a lrñka .j Èjla t,shg f.k we;' fuu .j Èj wef.a fhdaksh ;=,g .sh wdldrh oek .ekSug tys isá ldg;a l=;=y,hla u;= ù we;' 

m<uqfjka weh .j Èj fhdakshg we;=¿ jQ wdldrh .ek lsisu fohla fkdokakd nj mjid we;'

weh i;s follg fmr idohlg .sh nj;a tys§ oeäj u;a meka mdkh lr isáh§ fmïj;d úiska wehg wuq;= fhdackdjla l< nj;a mjid ;sfnkjd'

Tyq weh;a iu. w¨;a w;ayod ne,Sula lrkak ;SrKh lr ;snqKd' ta i|yd wef.a fmïj;d fhdodf.k ;snqfKa Ys;lrKfhka .;a .j Èjla' fmïj;d .jfhl=f.a Èjla fhdod .ksñka weh;a iu. , i;=gla ,nd ;snqKq w;r oeä ìu;alu ksid wehg fï lsisjla meyeÈ,s ù ;sî keye' tu .j Èj fhdaks ud¾.fha isr ù i;s foll muK l,la ;sîu .ek ffjoHjreka mjd mqÿu ù we;'

tu.ska wehg oreKq fkdjk wdidokhla fndaù ;snqKq w;r oeka thska iqjh ,nñka isákjd'

fmuj;df.a wÆ;a w;ayod ne,Su .ek u;lfha ke;s ùug ;rï weh tod oeä fia îu;ska isákakg we;'

fuu ;reKsh fï isoaêh ryilaj ;nd .ekSug W;aidy l, kuq;a ;j;a ;reKshka fujeks foaj,ska fírd .ekSu i|yd fï l;dj m‍%isoaO lsÍug weh úiska wjir § we;'

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