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m%xYfha ;j;a ;%ia; m%ydrhlska
mqoa.,hka 77lg jeä msßila ureolS

ol=KqÈ. m%xYfha kSia ys mej;s W;aijhl§ g%la r:hla ck;dj hg lrñka Odjkh lrùu ksid mqoa.,hka 77lg jeä msßila Ôú;laIhg m;aj we;s nj;a" fuh ;%ia; m%ydrhla nj;a m%xY n,OdÍyq mji;s'

m%xYfha iqúfYaIS ksjdvq Èkhla f,i ie,flk neiaghs,a ieureu keröug meñ‚ ck;dj .s‚fl<s ixo¾Ykh krUñka tydfuyd .uka lrñka isáh§" fuu g%la r:fha ßhÿrd tys fõ.h jeä lrñka ùÈfha isá úYd, ckldh u;ska b;d wudkqIsl f,i th Odjkh lr we;s nj isoaêh weiska ÿgqfjda mji;s'

isoaêfhka ;=jd, ,enQ msßi 50 blaujk nj;a lshefjhs'trg fõ,dfjka rd;%S 10'30 g muK isÿj we;s fuu l%Er ukqIH ixydrfha§ ;=jd, ,enQjkaf.ka fndfyda fofkl=f.a ;;a;ajh nrm;, njo lshefjhs'

isoaêh weiska ÿgqjkag wkqj" ùÈfha isá ck;dj g%la r:fha je§ ùisù .sh nj;a" ck;djf.a uyd ú,dmh ueo fuu g%lar: ßhÿrd ie;mqula muK ÿrla ck;dj u;ska g%la r:h Odjkh lr we;s nj;a úfoia jd¾;d mjihs'

Tyq miqj ck;dj fj; újD; fjä m%ydrhlao t,a, lrñka zw,a,dyq wlan¾z hkqfjka lE fudr § we;af;a fmd,sia fjä myßka Ôú;laIhg m;aùug fmrh'

fuu m%ydrfha j.lSu lsisfjl= úiska fuf;la Ndrf.k fkd;snqKo" IS bia,dï rdcH fuh iurK njg f;dr;=re mj;sk nj;a" óg fmr m%xYhg t,a, jQ ;%ia; m%ydr fukau" wdikak ld,fha§ f,dj mqrd t,a, jQ uyd ukqIH ixydrhka fukau" fuu m%ydrfha iajNdjh i,ld ne,Sfï§" fuho ta ïf,aaÉP bia,dï rdcH ;%ia;hkaf.a l%shdjla úh yels nj úfoia j¾;d jeäÿrg;a mjihs'

tu g%la r:h mÍlaId lsÍfï§ tys ;sî" .sks wú yd w;a fndaïn yuqù we;s nj;a" fuh ie,iqïiy.; ;%ia; m%ydrhla nj;a m%xY n,OdÍyq mji;s'

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