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wkshï fmïj;d iu. tlaj
;re‚hla ish fmïj;dj
ksjig le|jdf.k .sks;shhs

ish wkshï fmïj;d iu. tlajQ ;re‚hla ish fmïj;dj ksjig le|jdf.k ú;a <Kqjlska .sks ;enQ mqj;la fï jk úg wka;¾cd,h mqrd ießirkjd'

fufia .sks ;eîug ,lajQ ;reKhdf.a PdhdrEm fï jk úg wka;¾cd,h Tiafia yqjudre fjñka mj;skjd'

jd¾;djk wdldrhg fuu ;reKhd kñka ;sjxlh' Tyqf.a fuu fma%u iïnkaOhg jir 5 .;ù we;'miqj fuu ;reKhd úiska fuu ;re‚hj mdGud,djla i|yd we;=,;a lr we;' tys§ fuu ;re‚h ;j;a ;reKfhl= yd in|;djla we;s lrf.k we;'

wjidkfha fuu ;re‚h fuu wkshï fmïj;d iy wef.a ifydaorhd iu. tlaj fuu ;reKhd .sks ;nd we;'

fï ms<sn|j ìh.u fmd,Sishg meñ‚,s lr we;;a Tjqka fuu isÿùu hg .ik nj wka;¾cd,h Tiafia yqjudre jk fuu mqjf;a igyka ù ;snqKd'

fï ms<sn| .dhk Ys,amS ry,a w,aúia uy;do ish f*ianqla .sKqfï igykla ;nd ;snQ w;r fï ms<sn|j úuiSug wm Tyqj iïnkaO lr.kq ,enqjd'

Tyq mejiqfõ fï isÿùfï i;H wi;H;dj ms,sn| fkdokakd nj;a" fuu ;reKhdg m%;sldr lghq;= i|yd Èklg re 3000 jehjk nj ;ud ÿgq nj;a"Tyqg ms<sirKla ùug fufia ;u f*ianqla .sKqfï fuh m,l< nj;ah'

flfia fj;;a fuu isÿùu ms<sn| wm ìh.u fmd,Sisfhka úuiSula lrkq ,enqjd'Tjqka mejiqfõ fuf;la tjeks meñks,a,la Tjqka fj; ,eî fkdue;s njhs'

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