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zñia ,eàkdZ fjkak
wefußld hk fïkld

f,dj mqrd meje;afjk rE /ðk ;r. biõ i|yd Y%S ,xldfõ ;re‚hkaf.a ksfhdackh ld,fha nyq,j isÿjqKd'

fg,skdgH yd iskud ks,s fïkld uOqjka;sg;a fujeks wjia:djlg odhl ùfï wdrdOkd ,eî ;sfnkjd' ta wkqj Y%S ,xldj fjkqfjka fuu rE /ðk biõj ksfhdackh i|yd weh t<efUk Tlaf;danrfha § weußld hdug kshñ; nj mjikjd'

fïkld fudllao fï rE /ðk ;r.h@

fï ìhqá meckaÜ tfla ku ñia ,eákd bkag¾keIk,a' fuh ixúOdkh lrkafk weußldfõ j¾,aÙ peïmshkaIsma ´.khsfIaika lshk ixúOdkhhs'

fudk úÈhg meje;afjk ;r.hla o@

k¾;k yelshdjka" rx.k yelshdjka" .dhk yelshdjka we;=¿ ;j;a wxY fj;ska olaI;d uek n,k ìhqá meckaÜ tlla'

lS jeks j;djg o fujr fuh meje;afjkafka@

uu oek.;a úÈhg 20 jeks j;djghs'

oeka ljoo fuh meje;afjkafka@

fuu Tlaf;dan¾ 20 jeksod weußldfõ§hs'

wehs fïkldg fï jf.a wjia:djlg iyNd.S fjkak ys;=fKa@

ug uf.a yelshdj .ek úYajdihs' fï biõj .ek fidhd hoa§ rgg mqxÑhg fyda f.!rjhla f.k Èh yels wjia:djla nj f;areï .;a;d' idudkHfhka rgg f.!rjhla f.k Èh yels fohlg bÈßm;a fjoa§ Bg fndfyda fokdf.a wdYs¾jdoh ,efnkjd kï fyd| nj uf.a woyihs'

fg,skdgH lafIa;%fha oeka jeäh olskak keye fkao@ ld,fha § fndfyda úg ug tl È.gu ,enqfK taldldÍ pß;hs' tlaflda mrdð; fmïj;sh" ke;akï ngysr wdfrg .sh pß;hla' ta tlu rduqjlg fldgqfjkak uu leu;s keye'

ta lshkafk Tn ´kEu pß;hla rÕmEug iQodkï o@

rÕmEug tk ´kEu flfkla tlu pß;hlg fldgq fjkak leue;s keye' ud;a tfyuhs' rÕmEu jD;a;shla lr fkd.;a;;a" rÕmdk pß;hg jD;a;Sh jákdlu iy odhl;ajh fokak iQodkï' thska fï Èkj, ‘Or‚’ fg,s ud,dfõ uu rE.; lsÍïj,g odhl fjkjd' th úldYh jk Èkhg fuf;la ud rÕmE pß;j,g jvd fjkila oel.; yels fõú' fldfydu jqK;a ld,fha § jeämqr ud .ek l;d jqfKa fg,skdgHj,g jvd Ñ;‍%mgj, rÕmE pß; ksihs' ‘uyrc wcdi;a;’ kdgHfha rÕmE pß;h .ek jeä fokd l;d jqKd' ta úÈhg Ñ;‍%mg yhl ú;r ld,fha jev l<d'

bÈßfha Tn jeämqr olskak mq¿jka Ñ;‍%mg iu. o@

we;a;gu Ñ;‍%mg lSmhlau úldYkhg kshñ;hs' w¾cqka lu,kd;af. l=Kdgqfõ ukaÈrh" iqfoaYa jika;f.a yeg y;r udhï iy fndaê iurkdhlf.a kj;u Ñ;‍%mgfha;a rÕmEjd'

zÔú;hZ iqkaorhs@

Ôú;h iqkaor lr.kak wms oek .kak ´kE'

fudkjo ta fjkqfjka l< hq;af;a@

wms fyd| foa lf<d;a Ôú;h iqkaor fõú' Ôú;h .; lrkafka fyd| foa fjkqfjka' b;ska ug Ôú;h oefkkafk iqkaorjhs'

;j;a fudkjo lshkak ;sfhkafka@

wms wfma iaj W;aidyfhka ,xldfjka t<shg .syska rgg mqxÑ fyda ch.‍%Khla f.k §fï wfmalaIdfjka hkak yok fï .ukg yefudau wdYs¾jdo lrkak lsh,d ;uhs lshkak ;sfhkafka'

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