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ysgmq fldá kdhlhl=f.a
uer l,a,shla jõkshdfõ
isxy¨‍ka m,jd yeÍug mgka wrka
- {dkidr ysñfhda mejiQy

W;=f¾ uy weue;sjrhdf.a wdYs¾jdofhka ysgmq m%n, fldá kdhlhl= jQ iskakuka m%uqL uer l,a,shla jõkshdj Èia;%slalfha mdrïmßl isxy, .ïj, jeishka m,jd yeÍu wdrïN fldg we;ehs fndÿn, fiakd ixúOdkfha ‍f,alï .,f.dvw;af;a {dkidr ysñfhda mejiQy'

{dkidr ysñhka fufia mejiqfõ lsre<mk msysá fndÿn, fiakd uQ,ia:dkfha Bfha ^02& meje;s udOH yuqjl§h'

jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ Wkajykafia fufia o lshd isáhy-

‘iskakuka’ lshkafka mqkre;a:dmkh l< ysgmq fldá kdhlfhla' wdKavqfjka mqkre;a:dmkh l<dg fuhd we;a;gu mqkre;a:dmkh fj,d keye' W;=f¾ uy weue;s iS' ù' ú.afkaYajrka uy;df.a cd;sjd§ m%ldYhka iy l%shd l,dmhka fya;=fjka ysgmq fldá idudðlhka kej; wjÈ fj,d' uy weue;sjrhdf.a wdYs¾jdofhka hqla;j iskakuka uer l,a,shla yo,d' fï uer l,a,sh W;=f¾ mdrïmßl isxy, .ïj, jeishka m,jd yßñka isákjd' wdikaku WodyrKh ;uhs ta 9 ud¾.h Tiafia jõkshdj miqlrñka W;=rg hkfldg yuqjk wka;su isxy, .u jk fldlat<sh .%duh'

fïl mdrïmßl isxy, .ula' hqoaOhg fmr mjq,a mkaiShla ysáhd' hqo iufha§ Tjqka .ïìï w;yer ;srmamfka m%foaYhg m,d wdjd'

jir 2009 § hqoaOh wjika jQ miqj fldlat<sh .ug kej; f.dia mÈxÑ jqfKa mjq,a 170la muKhs'
iskakukaf.a wdhqO ikakoaO uer l,a,sh fï .ïjeishkag ysßyer lrkjd' myr fokjd'

uer l,a,shg nfhka fldlat<sh .ïjeishka kej; .ïìï w;yer m,d hñka isákjd' oeka b;sßj isákafka mjq,a 37hs' ta wh;a hkak ,Eia;s fj,d bkafka'

ta uq,;sõ Èia;%slalfha fldals,dhs m%foaYfha msysá fldals,dhs mkai,g ,nd § ;snQ isú,a wdrlaIl n,ld wdrlaIdj bj;a lr,d' ta ksid fldals,dhs mkai,;a jeyqKd˜ hehs Wkajykafia mejiQy'
imqu,a chfiak

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