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frdydks ùrisxyf.a ùäfhdajla
fjí wvúhl

fg,skdgH rx.k Ys,ams” frdydks ùrisxy fmkSisák ùäfhdajla wiNH fjí wvúhl m,ùfï mqj;la iïnkaOfhka fï Èkj, wdkafoda,kd;aul l;d nyla we;s ù ;sfnkjd'

jeäysáhkag muKhs f,an,h hgf;a weh r.mE DVD Ñ;%mghl o¾Yk fufia wiNH ùäfhdajlg tl;= lr we;s nj hs mejfikafka'

flfia fj;;a fï ms<sn|j woyia m< lr we;s frdydks kï mjid we;af;a tu cjksldfõ ish isrer iy mdo jvd;a ksrej;ajk wdldrfhka fmkajd we;s nj hs'

;ud tu o¾Ykj,g fmkS isáfha we÷Kqïlug nj;a fufia isÿfõúhs ;ud fkdis;+ nj;a weh mjid ;sfnkjd'

tfiau fuu isoaêfhka miq kej;;a we÷Kqïlug jev fkdlrk nj hs weh jeäÿrg;a mjid we;af;a'

fuu isÿùu ms<sn|j frdydks cd;sl mqj;am;la fj; mjid ;snqfKa fujekakla'

DVD Ñ;%mgj, r.mdkak .syska frdydksg f,dl= w,l,xÑhla isoaO jqKdÆ fkao@

tal kï lsh,d jevla kE' ji ú,s,eÊcdjla jqfKa'

yß fjÉp foa mq¿jka úÈyg lshkakflda@ ojiaj, uu DVD Ñ;%mg foll r.mEjd' tfyu r.mdkak ,enqKq Ñ;%mghl fldgila tla;rd , cjksld wvx.= fjí wvúhl m<fj,d ;sínd' ux ta .ek f.dvla wmaiÜ tflka bkafk'

b;sx frdydks ta DVD cjksldj, fmks isá o¾Yk oel,d ljqo uq,skau lsõfj''@

lafIa;%fha tla;rd ñ;=ßhla ug ta ,skala tl tj,d ;snqKd' tal neÆjdu uf. we.;a tlal yS;, fj,d .shd'

wehs tÉprgu wjq,ao''@

talfka lshkafk ug kï ys;d.kakj;a nE'

frdydks we;a;gu ta jf.a o¾Ykj,g fmkS ysáhfk''@

fïlfk uu ks<shla' wfkl ta cjksldfõ uf. ll=,hs YÍrhhs jeämqr ksrej;a fjkjd fmkaj,d ;sfhkjd' ljqre fïjd lrkjo ukaod' tafl jeäh fmkqfK kE'

ta wfkla wiNH o¾Ykj, rE.; lrk ;ek frdydks ysáho''@

kE lm,a tlla bkakjd ta yeu Ñ;%mgj,u r.mdk'

*s,aï tl yomq lÜáh fudlo lshkafk ta .ek'@

ta whg uu l;d l<d' taf.d,af,d lshkafk DVD tl .;a; flfkla ùäfhda tl wiNH cjksld ;sfhk fjí wvúhlg wmaf,daâ lrkak we;s lsh,d' uu;a Th DVD tfla r.mEfõ w÷kklug' b;sx Tfydu fohla fjhs lsh,d ljqo ys;=fj' 

hdÆlug jev lr,d frdydks fyd|gu uÜgq fj,do bkafk''@

Tõ' wdfhu;a hd¿lïj,g jev lrkafk kE' fï uÜgqj fyd|gu we;s'

ta wh .ek kS;suh mshjr .kafk ke;af; wehs''@

taf.d,af,d hdÆfjd ksid lsisu mshjrla .kak nEfka'

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