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hfidaord nd,sldjg mekmq isiqka 
ñhqishia nd,sldjg;a
n,y;aldrfhka mek,d

fld<U m%Odk fmf,a mdi,a lsysmhl isiqka msßila fnd/,a, hfYdaOrd nd,sld úoHd,hg n,y;aldrfhka we;=¿ùfï isÿùula fya;=fjka Bfha tu úoH,fha fkdikaiqka ;;a;ajhla yg.;a;d' fmd,Sish ioyka lf<a fuu isÿùug wod,j fld<U uydkdu úoHd,fha Wiia fm< isiqfjl= fï jk úg w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s njhs'

miqj wod< isiqka msßi fld<U ñhqishia nd,sld úoHd,hgo Bfha oyj,a n,y;aldrfhka we;=¿ ù ;sfnkjd'

fld<U uydkdu úoHd,h yd ã'tia' fiakdkdhl úoHd,h w;r ,nk 24 yd 25 foÈk meje;aùug kshñ; uyd l%slÜ ;r.hg iu.dój uydkdu úoHd,fha isiqka we;=¿ ;j;a msßñ mdie,a lsysmhl isiqka msßila ßh fmryerla ixúOdkh lr ;snqkd'

kuq;a uydkdu úoHd,fha ksfhdacH úÿy,am;sjrhd ioyka lf<a fuu ßhfmryer meje;aùu ms<snoj wod, isiqka mdie, oekqj;a lr fkd;snQ njhs'

flfia fj;;a ßhfmryer .uka.kakd w;r ;=r tys .uka .;a isiqka msßila fld<U hfYdaOrd nd,sld úoHd,hg n,y;aldrfhka we;=¿ùu;a iu. mdif,a fkdikaiqka ;;a;ajhla we;sjqKd'

tys§ tla isiqfjl= mdie,a ld¾h uKav,h úiska rojd .ekSu;a iu. ßh fmryef¾ .uka.;a wks;a isiqka mdief,a foam, j,g w,dNydks isÿlrñka rojd .;a isiqjd ksoyia lrk f,i n,lr isáhd'kuq;a uq,a j;dfõ mdie,g we;=¿ jQ uydkdu úoHd,fha Wiia fm< isiqfjl= w,a,d.;a hfYdaOrd úoHd,fha ld¾h uKav,h ta jkúg;a Tyqj mdie,a ld¾hd,fha rojdf.k isg ;sfnkjd'

miqj Tyqj l=reÿj;a; fmd,sisgh Ndr ÿka w;r fmd,sish mjikafka tu isiqjdj wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrk njhs'tu wjia:dfõ ùäfhdaj my;ska''

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