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fydre w,a,kak meñKs hymd,kh 
fydreka úiska w,a,df.ko@
fydre ksoe,af,a
uynexl= wêm;s iy
FCID f,dlaflda yex.s,do@

,xldmq;% ixj¾ok nexl=j rdcmlaY md,kfha§ ish ys;j;=kag fldaá .Kkska rcfha uqo,a fydr mdßka ,nd§ug wgjd.;a wdh;khla nj lreKq ldrKd iys;j ;yjre jqfha hymd,k rch hgf;a tys iNdm;s ÿrhg m;a ,ika; .=Kj¾Ok úiska FCID fj; l, meñKs,s 17la wkqjh'

mkai,aj, Tmamq" ueKsla fjkqjg ;srejdkd .,a " rch i;= bvï" lsisod fkdieÿ fndaÜgq jeks foa wemhg ;ndf.k fldaá .Kkska ;u ys;j;=kag ,nd§ we;snj FCID m%ldYlhl= Wmqgdolajñka Observer mqj;am; lreKq ldrKd iys;j 2015 July 26 Èk wkdjrKh lf<ah' ms<s.;a ú.Kk wdh;khla jk PWC wdh;kh iy ;%smqoa., lñgqjla yryd l, mÍlaIK j,skao fuu lreKq ;yjreù ;snqKs'

fldaá .Kkska rcfha uqo,a jxpdl, mqoa.,hka kS;sfha /yekg f.k taug hqyqiqÆj lghq;= lrñka ;snqKs' fydre l%shd;aul úh' uynexl=fõ iy uqo,a wud;HxYfha fuu fydrlïj,g wkqn, ÿka ks,OdÍka yryd iNdm;sjrhd f.or hEùh' ishÆ mÍlaIK" kS;suh lghq;= kej;=Ks' fydrlïl, uqo,aj, n,fhka fydre ;ju;a kso,af,ah'

ckdêm;s;=udo ,ika; bj;alsÍu iïnkaoj idOdrK mÍlaIKhla lrkf,i uqo,a f,alïg iy uynexl= wêm;sg Wmfoia§ ;sìh§;a tiïnkaoj l%shd fkdlf<a ckdêm;sg;a jvd jeä n,hla fydrekag we;sksido @

j¾;udk uynexl= wêm;s;=udo meyeÈ,sju ;yjrejQ fuu fldaá.Kka jxpd iïnkaofhka ksyv ms<sfj;la wkq.ukh lrkqfha ks,OdÍ jdohg Tyq;a hgù we;s ksido @

fydre we,a,Sug meñKs hymd,kh fydreka úiska w,a,df.k we;snjg ck;dj yv k.kafka fïksidh'
w; ckdêm;s;=uks" .re w.ue;s;=uks" .re uqo,a iy rdcH jHjidh ixj¾Ok wud;Hjreks hymd,kh n,hg f.ktaug úYd, lemùula l, ,ika; .=kj¾okg idodrKh bgqlr fydreka kS;sh yuqjg f.ktaug uynexl= wêm;s;=ud miqngjkafka wehso lshd blaukskau fidhdn,kak '

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