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ffu;‍%S- rks,a iqixfhda.fhka
mia jirl wdKavqjla
^mdG,S pïmsl rKjl&

ckjdß 08 od we;sjQ hymd,k úma,jh bÈßhg f.khñka md¾,sfïka;=j ;=<o th we;s lr ffu;‍%S- rks,a iqixfhda.fhka hq;a mia jirl wdKavqjla wf.daia;= ui 17 Èk ìysjk nj tlai;a hymd,k fmruqfKa f,alï mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;d Bfha ^26& yxje,a, m‍%foaYfha§ mej;s ck /,shl§ m‍%ldY lf<ah'

fuys§ woyia oelajQ rKjl uy;d"
˜‍lreKq 02 la ksid uyskaog w.ue;s ùug yelshdjla keye' iïu; lrk ,o 19 jk ixfYdaOkfha rfÜ w.ue;s m;ajkafka fldfyduo lshd meyeÈ,sj olajd ;sfnkjd'  ckdê;s;=udf.a u;hg wkqj md¾,sfïka;=fõ jeäu úYajdih ;sfnk uka;‍%Sjrhd w.‍%dud;Hjrhd f,i m;afõhehs olajd ;sfnkjd'

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w.‍%dud;Hjrhd f;darkafka ixOdkfha uyf,alï iqis,a fma‍%uchka;j;a" úu,a ùrjxYj;a fkfuhs' thg jeo.;a jkafka ckdêm;sjrhdf.a u;hhs' ta u;h ckdêm;sjrhd l,skau lsõjd' uyskao rdcmlaI yer fjk  ´ku flfkl=g w.ue;slu ,ndfokjd lsh,d Tyq m‍%ldY l<d' ,nk wf.daia;= 18 jkod we;sjk tlai;a cd;sl fmruqfKa w.ue;s njg m;ajkafka rks,a úC%uisxy uy;a;hd'

wo tlai;a cd;sl fmruqK fld<" r;=" ks,a" ishÆ n,fõ. tl;=fj,d ks¾uKh fj,d ;sfhkafka' wÆ;a m‍%;sm;a;s tys ;sfnkafka' ckjdß 08 jkod uyskao rdcmlaI ch.‍%yKh l<dkï" rgg iïNdOl mkjd úYd, ixLHdjlg /lshd wysñ ù rg úid,djla njg m;a fjkjd' yeufoau i,a,s j,g ,nd.kak mq¿jkahehs i|yka lr ishÆ mqoa.,hska yiqrjkak Tyq lghq;= l<d' uyskao rdcmlaI mjq,g wjika j;djg;a foaYmd,k mK wysñlr mkiamka ,laIhla mjq,a rc lrk tl rdcOdkshla f.dvk.k tl wfma .uka u.hs'

iuyre m‍%ldY lrkjd ;‍%ia; jdoh h<s ysi Tijkjd lsh,d' 2013 j¾Ifha uyskao rdcmlaI tx.,ka;hg .sh fudfydf;a fldá ixúOdkh úfrdaOhla f.kdjd' .=jka f;dgqmf,ka nyskak Tyqg yelshdjla ,enqfKa keye' oioyia .Kka  fldá tu ia:dkhg meñK isáhd' ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d tx.,ka;fha .sh wjia:dfõ fmr f,iu fldá úfrdOh m‍%ldY l<;a" tys§ .=jka f;dgqfmd,g meñK isáfha 16 la muKhs' ;‍%ia;jd§ka n,j;a fj,do ÿ¾j, fj,do' cd;slj;a cd;Hka;rj;a Tjqka ÿ¾j, fj,d'

wOHdmkfha mQ¾K úma,jhla we;s lr wOHdmkh ;=<ska /lshd ,efnk jevms<sfj,la wm f.k tkjd' W.;ukd Ys,amh uhs u;= /flkd lshk tl fjkia lr" u;= /flkd Ys,amh uhs W.;ukd f,i wms mdi,;a" úYajúoHd,h;a ld¾ñl úohd,h;a fjkia lrk iudchla we;s lrkjd' ta iaj¾Kuh hq.fha idlaIslrejka fuka ,nk wf.daia;= 17 tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha ch.‍%yKh fjkqfjka tl;= fjuq˜‍ hehs meúiSh'

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