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árdka m;alrkakehs ls,Sf.a b,a,Su 
ckdêm;s m%;slafIam lr,d 

tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha cd;sl ,ehsia;=fjka ¥Is; jHdmdßl árdka w,ia md¾,sfïka;=jg kïlr hjk f,i isri udOH cd,fha wêm;s ls,S uyrdcd úiska l< b,a,Su ckdêm;sjrhd úiska tlfy,d m%;slafIam l< nj úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑud¾.hlska jd¾;d fõ'
fujr uyue;sjrKfha§ ¥Is;hka msgqoelSfï f;audj ;ud úiska y÷kajd ÿka nj;a árdka w,iaj md¾,sfïka;=jg m;alsÍfuka ;udg th imqrd W,a,x>kh l< fkdyels nj;a ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ls,S uyrdcdg ldreKslj okajd ;sfí' rdvd wdh;kfha iqkdñ uqo,a .idlEu iïnkaOfhka ;ju;a árdka w,iaj w;awvx.=jg fkd.kafka ukaoehs ;udg idOdrK ielhla mj;sk nj fuys§ ckdêm;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a okajd ;sfí' 

kS;sm;s hqjkacka úf–;s,l uy;d ;udf.a ujf.a f.da,fhl= neúka Tyq úiska ;udj lsisúg w;awvx.=jg .ekSug lghq;= fkdlrk njg árdka w,ia fï jkúg lhsjdre .iñka isà' ;u ujf.a WmkaÈkhg kS;sm;sjrhd fkdjer§u tjk u,a l<U fujr árdka w,ia uõ)ìu ld¾hd,hg m%o¾Ykh i|yd f.keú;a ;sî we;s w;r Tyq ;ukaf.a ñ;=rka w;f¾" kS;sm;sjrhd y÷kajkafka ~hqjkacka whshd~ f,isks' fï jkúg iqkdñ uqo,a .idlEu iïnkaOfhka ßudkaâNdrfha isáh hq;= árdka u,a,S hqjkacka whshdf.a msysfgka i;sfhka i;sh fYa%IaGdêlrKh yryd w;awvx.=jg fkd.ekSfï ld,h Èla lr.ksñka isà' tfia isáh§;a W;aidy lrñka isákafka ljr fyda WmamrjeÜáhla oud md¾,sfïka;=jg ßx.Sugh' tfia ljrdldrfhka fyda md¾,sfïka;=jg ßx.d .;fyd;a md¾,sfïka;= jrm%idoj,g uqjdùfï whs;sh árdkag ,efí' 

uyue;sjrKfha§ w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg uõ)ìu mqj;amf;a msgq mqrd fkdñf,a ue;sjrK oekaùï m<lsÍu u.ska w.ue;sjrhd yd ydoùug árdka w,ia lmá W;aidyhl ksr; jQ nj uõ)ìu wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lr isà'

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