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weô,smsáfha fndrej udÜgq
ta'tia'mSg weu;=ï ÿkafka fmd,Sishuhs
weu;s id.,f.a úfYaI m%ldYh

weô,smsáfha idohla w;r;=r fmd,Sish iu. we;sjQ .egqulska mqoa.,fhl= ñhhdfï isoaêhg wod<j ;jÿrg;a mÍlaIK isÿflfrk neúka lsjyelafla oekg wkdjrKh ù we;s lreKq muKla nj kS;sh iduh yd olaIsK ixj¾Ok wud;H id., r;akdhl uy;d mjihs' Èfkl wkqr l=udr Èidkdhl uy;d úiska md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ kÛk ,o m%Yakhlg ms<s;=re f,i m%ldYhla lrñka wud;Hjrhd fï nj lshd isáfhah'
wod< ia:dkfha .egqula isÿjk njg weô,smsáh iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍjrhdg idudkH ckhdf.ka weu;=ï ,eî ke;s nj;a" fmd,Sisfha msßilg myrfok njg fmd,sia ks,OdÍka úiskau Tyqg ÿrl:k weu;=ï ,nd§ we;s nj wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<ah'

tfiau fmd,sia yÈis weu;=ï wxlh jk  119 j,g ÿrl:k weu;=ï ,ndfoñka ,ndÿka wh mjid we;af;a t;ek idofha msßia w;r .egqula mj;akd nj fkdj t;ek msßia yd fmd,Sish w;r .egqula mj;akd nj hhs o wud;Hjrhd wjOdrKh lf<ah'

flfia fj;;a óg fmrd;=j fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd mjid ;snqfKa idoh w;r;=r .egqula ygf.k we;s neúka th uevmeje;aùug ck;dj úiska fmd,Sishg yd 119 i|yd ÿrl:k weu;=ï ,nd§ ;snqKq njhs'

flfia fj;;a md¾,sfïka;=fõ úfYaI m%ldYhla lrñka wud;H id., r;akdhl uy;d jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfha fmd,sia ks,OdÍka meñK u;ameka b,a¨ njg lshefjkafka urKhg m;ajQ mqoa.,hdf.a ìß|f.a idlaIsfhka muKla njhs'

fmd,sia ks,OdÍka úiska  ,ndÿka lg W;a;rj, lshefjkafka fmd,Sish iu. .egqulg fya;=jQfha wod< idofha Yío úldYk hka;%j, Yíoh wvqlrk f,i fmd,Sish úiska lrkq ,enQ b,a,Sula fuu idofha isá msßia úiska m%;slafIam lsÍu ksid njhs'

flfia fj;;a mYapd;a urK mÍlaIlf.a jd¾;djg wkqj mqoa., urKh isÿj we;af;a lemqï ;=jd, j,ska wêl f,i reêrh jykhùu ksid hhs wud;Hjrhd fuys§ jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

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