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ffu;%Sg tlajk nj lshd weú;a
uhsla tl biairy§ uyskao fyd|hs lsh,d 
(photos + VIdeo )

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg iyh m,lsÍug hehs mjid meñ‚ tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ixOdkfha kd.ßl uka;%S jrfhla uOH yuqfõ ;u ;SrKh fjkia l< nj mjid wdmiq f.dia ;sfí' Tyq foysj, .,alsiai uyk.r iNd uka;%S idú;% rud,a o is,ajdh'

wjqreÿ 22hs udi 8ka uu uka;%S jqfKa' foaYmd,khg wjqreÿ 3la fjkj' ug f,dl= foaYmd,k oekqula keye' 2005 ckdêm;s ;=udf. foaYmd,kh uu oelal' uu lkak ÿkak w; ymd lkafk keye' uu fu;kg wdfj fï mlaIhg tl;= fjkak' yenehs uu oeka tl;= fjkafk kE'

´l lshkak wehs fu;kg wdfj@

fu;k ;uhs talg iqÿiq ;ek'''

ta lshkafk fu;k m%cd;ka;%jdoh ;sfhkj'''@

fjkakE''' fu;k ukqiaihl=g lsisu fohla fjkakE''' fu;k uu oelafl ;kslru m<s.ekSfï fÉ;kdj'''

ta lshkafk fu;k m%cd;ka;%jdoh ;sfhkj lsh, Thd ms<s.kakj fkao@

fu;k uu ys;kafka ke ms<s.kakj lsh,

Tn;=ud fï úÈhg l;d lrkafk fu;k m%cd;ka;%jdohla ;sfhk ksidfk'

uu olsk úÈhg uu lshkafk'' uu ;reKfhla úÈhg olsk ‍ foa ;uhs uu lshkafk'' Thf.d,a,kag yskdfjkak mq¿jka''' fndaïn mqmqrkafk ke;=j fï jf.a /iaùula yß ;sfhkafk hqoafo ke;s ksid''''

Thd jf.a úreoaO mlafIl flfkl=g vd¾,s mdf¾ ;sfhk reiqùulg .syska fufyu l;d lrka mq¿jka lsh, ys;kjo@

ug meyeÈ<s uÈ''''''

f;afrkj''' f;afrkj''''

ug fuÉprhs lshkak;sfhkafk Thf.d,af,d .=jka md,ulaj;a yeÿfj keye' ug fuÉprhs lshkak ;sfhkafk''''' fuÉprhs ^fïihg .iñka& uu to;a ckdêm;s ;=udg wo;a ckdêm;s ;=udg''''' fu;k ;sfhkafk ffjrh fl%daOh''''''

wk;=rej Tyq jdäù isá mqgqjo fmr<df.ka iNdfjka msgj f.dia ;sfí'

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