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uyskao ÈKqj;a m;aùu wj,x.= l, yelshs - ysgmq w.úksiqre

ckdêm;s ue;sjrK mkf;a 83 jeks j.ka;sh hgf;a ue;sjrK kS;s úfrdaë l%shdjlg ckm;s wfmalaIl uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d iïnkaO jQ njg ;yjqre jqjfyd;a Tyq fujr ue;sjrKfhka kej; m;ajqj;a  Tyqf.a m;aùu wj,x.= lsßug fYaIaGdêlrKhg n,hla we;ehs ysgmq w.úksiqre ir;a tka' is,ajd uy;d lshhs'

Tyq fï nj mejiqfõ Bfha ^25& meje;s udOH yuqjlg tlafjñks'

ta uy;d tys§ jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfha rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iy ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d w;aika l< nj mjiñka jHdc" l+G .súiqula bÈßm;a lsÍu ;=<ska oKav kS;s ix.%yh hgf;a iy ckdêm;s ue;sjrK mk; hgf;a ;siai w;a;kdhl uy;d jrola lr we;s nj fmkS hkafka hehs mjiñks'ta wkqj fuu jro isÿl< ;eke;a;dg o~qjï  ,nd§ug yels nj;a" fuu jro ksidu uyskao  rdcmlaI uy;d fuu ue;sjrKfha§ ckdêm;s Oqrhg  m;ajqjfyd;a tu m;aùu Y=kH lsÍug wêlrKhg n,h we;s nj;a ir;a tka' is,ajd uy;d lSh'

ta ms<sn|j meyeÈ,s l< ir;a tka' is,ajd uy;d" fufiao mejiSh'

—ue;sjrK kS;sfha 83 jeks j.ka;sh hgf;a ;sfnkjd hï wfmalaIlhl= fyda wfmalaIlfhl=f.a l%shdl,dmh ms<sn| wi;H f;dr;=re hï mqj;am;l i|yka lrkjd kï th kS;súfrdaë l%shdjla nj' rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iy ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d fuu .súiqu wi;H tlla nj m%ldY lr ;sfnkjd' fuh m<lsÍug fmr ffu;%Smd, uy;auhdf.ka iy rks,a úl%uisxy uy;auhdf.ka úuiSfï hq;=lula mqj;aj;aj,g ;snqKd' tfia fkdjk f,i l%shdlsÍu ;=< ckdêm;s ue;sjrK mkf;a 83 jeks j.ka;sh hgf;a ue;sjrK kS;s úfrdaë l%shdjla fjkjd' fï ksidu uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d kej; m;ajqj;a fuu l%shdj ksidu Tyqf.a m;aùu wj,x.= lsßug fYaIaGdêlrKhg n,h ;sfnkjd˜‍

—ta oKav kS;s ix.%yh hgf;a 452 j.ka;sh hgf;a fuh l+G f,aLkhla' fuu l+G f,aLkh ksjerÈ f,aLkhla f,i Ndú; lrk ;eke;a;d 459 jeks j.ka;sh hgf;a jrola lrkjd' ta wkqj ;siai w;a;kdhl uy;d fuh bÈßm;a lsÍu ;=< meyeÈ,sju oKav kS;s ix.%yfha 459 jeks j.ka;sh hgf;a jrola lrkjd' th m%isoaO l< mqj;am;a 83 jeks j.ka;sh hgf;a jrola lrkjd' ta ksid uyskao rcmlaI uy;d kej; m;ajqKfyd;a fï lreK u; tu m;aùu Y=kH nj m%ldYhg m;alsÍug wêlrKhg n,hla ;sfnkjd' ta ksid fuh meyeÈ,sju ue;sjrK jrola' thg o~qjï ,nd§ug mq¿jka* hkqfjkao fuys§ is,ajd uy;d mejiSh'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg f;jrla ;r. l< yelso hkak ms<sn|j fYaIaGdêlrKfhka ,enqKq u; úuiSu ms<sn|jo fyf;u lreKq oelaùh'

—fYaIaGdêlrKfhka ,enqKq u; úuiqu m%isoaO lrk f,i uu uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg wNsfhda. lrkjd' ta u;fha ;sfnkafk úys¿ l;d' tys ;sfnkafka fojrla ck;dj úiska m;al< ;eke;af;l=g ;=ka j;djla wysñ lrkafka wehs lsh,hs' fuh foaYmd,k ;¾lhla ñila kS;s ;¾lhla fkdfõ' talhs fï u;h wo olajd m%isoaêhg m;a fkdfjkafk' fuh idjoH lreKq u; mokï jQjla nj uu j.ka;shla  j.ka;shla mdid meyeÈ,s lrkakï˜‍ hkqfjkao ysgmq w.úksiqre ir;a tka' is,ajd uy;d m%ldY lf<ah'

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