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ÿjf.a wm, ÿrelrkak mshd
f.kajQ lÜgähd oeßhg w;jrlrkak yo,d

Èh‚hf.a .%y wm, ÿrelsÍug .=relula lrùfï wruq‚ka mshd ksfjig le|jQ lÜg¾ähl= .=relï lrk uqjdfjka oeßhg w;jr lsÍug W;aidy lsÍu iïnkaOfhka w;awvx.=jg f.k wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka miq ,nk 29 jeksod olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.r .; lrk f,i lka;f,a ufyia;%d;a yd Èid úksiqre chrejka uy;d ksfhda. lf<ah

fufia ßudkaâ lf<a lka;f,a m%foaYfha ksfjila l=,shg f.k hka;% uka;% .=relï lrñka isá j,iauq,af,a mÈxÑlrejl= jk 49 yeúßÈ ;sore mshl= jk fyajduqksf.a chr;ak keue;af;ls'
15 yeúßÈ Èh‚hf.a wOHdmk lghq;=j, m%.;shla w;am;a lr§u yd wehg wm, ÿre lsÍu i|yd ;u .ï m<d; jQ ud;r Wmka lÜg¾ähl= iellre ksfjig le|jQ mshd ;u /lshdjg hEug ksfjiska msgù we;' tu wjia:dfõ§ ksfjfia b;sßj we;af;a ielldr lÜg¾ähd" w;jrhg m;a oeßh" wehf.a jeäuy,a ifydaoßh yd uj mu‚' wjYH wvqjeäho oeßhf.a uj ,jdu f.kajdf.k we;s lܾähd ;u hd.h i|yd mdg 5lska hq;a u,a j

¾. f.k tk f,i ujg okajd we;'

;u jeäuy,a Èh‚ho iuÕska u,a j¾. fidhkakg uj ksfjika neyerg f.dia we;s w;r ˜‍ÿj lsisfoalg nhfjkak tmd' uu Thd mka;sfha m<uqjekshd lr,d fokjd' wdfha tafl folla kE˜‍ hehs mjid ksfjfia ;ksjQ oeßh ,jd foys f.ä 5la f.kajdf.k wuqly wUrd ;sfí' miqj tu ñY%Kh oeßhf.a YÍrfha .,ajkak wjYH nj mjid l=vd ldurhlg f.k oeßhf.a mmq m%foaYfha tu ñY%Kh .dñka wehg w;jr lsÍug W;aidy lr we;'fï wjia:dfõ§ ìhg m;ajQ oeßh we;s w;r tu y~ weiqKq wi,ajeishka meñK m,dhEug W;aidy lrñka isá iellre w,a,df.k ;sfí' isoaêh lka;f,a fmd,sishg oekqï§fuka miq iellre w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

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