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nnhs udhs ysrfj,d bkafka
wmsj fír.kakehs
kdhhk w;r ÿrl:k weu;=ka ÿka fyÈhf.a
orejd ;=re¿ lr.;a u< isrr f.dv.kS

fï Èkj, whym;a ld,.=K ;;ajh ksid isÿjk mdßißl úm;a fndfyda fofkl=f.a Ôú; j,g ysßyerhls' ta we;=<; isÿjk we;eï wkqfõokSh l;d mqj;ao ;sfí'
nÿ,a," ß,afmd," wlalr 53 m%foaYfha isÿjQ kdhhdfuka hgjQ uy,a ksjila ;=< nÿ,a, frdayf,a fyÈhla iy udi 2la jhie;s orefjla wjdikdjka; f,i ñhhdu ldf.a;a is;g fõokdjla f.k ÿkafka weh kdhhdfï uq,afldgfia§ wirKù msysgla fidhd cx.u ÿrl:kfhka ish frday,a ld¾h uKav, ys;j;=kag ,ndÿka weu;=ula ksidh'

ÿrl:kfhka ys;j;=ka lsysmfofkl= weu;+ weh
zwfka''uuhs" nnhs" u,a,s,d fokakhs ysrfj,d bkafka' wfka fldfyduyß wmsj fírd.kak’''Z hkqfjka weh lE .id ;snqKd'
fyÈh ;uka fírd.kakd f,i ys;j;=kag ÿrl;kfhka wu;d È.ska È.gu oekqï ÿka kuq;a fírd.ekSu i|yd

lsisfjl=g hdug wmyiqjQ ;eklajQ neúkao kej; kej; kdhhdfï wjodkula mej;s neúkao tu ia:dkhg hdug lsisfjl= iu;a jQfha ke;'
ál fõ,djlg miq tu ia:dkh kej; foj;djlau w;r wef.ka kej; weu;=ula ,eî ;snqfkao ke;'

fírd.ekSfï ld¾hfhys ksr;jQ yuqod ks,OdÍka tu ia:dkhg hdug uy;a mßY%uhla ±rE kuq;a th miqj w;ayeroukakg isÿúh'
kdhhdu isÿjQ Èkg miqÈk tu ia:dkfha isÿ l< fidhdne,Sï j,§ mia hg isrù isáh§ fírd.kakehs weu;=ï ÿka fyÈh" wef.a udi 2la jhie;s orejdf.a iy wef.a fidhqrdf.a u<isrere yuqj ;snqKd' u< isrere f.dv.kakd wjia:dfõ§ l=vd orejdf.a u< isrer ujf.a ;=ref,a ;snqK whqre ÿgqjkag we;s lf<a ixfõ.hls'

tu fyÈhf.a újdy ux.,Hfha§ .;a PhdrEmhla fï iu. oelafjkjd' weh nÿ,a, frdayf,a ish m<uq m;aùu ,nd ál Èklska m%iQ;

ksjdvq ,nd ;u ujf.a ksjfia orejd iy fidhqrka fofokd iuÕ isáh§ fuu kdhhdug yiqj we;' wef.a ieñhd Ôj;=ka w;rh' weh wk;=rg m;a wjia:dfõ ;uka fiajh l< frdayf,a fyo fidhqßhkag" fyo md,lg iy ieñhdg ÿrl;kfhka wu;d ;snqKd'

wehf.a u< isrer yuqjQ ;ekska ;j;a u< isrere 5la f.dv.;a w;r ;j;a 15lf.a muK u<isrere we;ehs ielhg ;ju;a fidÈis isÿ flfrkjd'

PdhdrEm yd f;dr;=re - úuqla;s ixch

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