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uka;%S l=vq ÿñkaof.a
foam< rdcika;lhs@

lsishï mqoa.,fhl=f.a foam< u;ao%jH cdjdrfuka Wmhdf.k we;ehs ;yjqre jqjfyd;a tu foam< rdcika;l l< yels nj fmd,sish mjikjd' ta wkqj md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;df.a foam< o u;ao%jH cdjdrfuka Wmhdf.k we;ehs ;yjqrejqjfyd;a tu foam< rdcika;l l< yelshs'

l=m‍%lg u;ao%jH cdjdrïlrefjl= jk iuka; l=udr fkdfyd;a fjf,aiqod iy md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;d w;r ióm iïnkaO;d mej;sS we;ehs fmd,sia úu¾Ykj,ska ;yjqre ù ;sfnkjd' Tjqka fofokd w;r uqo,a .kqfokq o isÿj ;sfnkj njhs fmd,sia m‍%ldYl fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldß wð;a frdayK uy;d mejiqfõ'

md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;df.a ish¨u nexl= .sKqï mßla‍Id lrkakehs fld<U fldgqj ufyaia;‍%d;a wêlrKh Bfha ksfhda.hla ksl=;a l<d' ta wkqj furg msysá nexl= iy uQ,H wdh;k 82l .sKqï mßla‍Id lsÍug kshñ;hs' Bg wu;rj Y‍%S ,xld uynexl=fõ uQ,H úu¾Yk tallh úiska md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;d fjk;a rgj, mj;ajd f.k hk nexl= .sKqï ms<sn|j o mßla‍Id lrkq we;s'

fï w;r iuka; l=udr fkdfyd;a fjf,aiqodf.ka l< m‍%Yak lsÍïj,ska miq Tyqg wh;a iqfLdamfNda.s fudag¾ r:hla o fmd,sish úiska fidhd f.k ;sfnkjd' fmd,sia m‍%ldYl fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldß wð;a frdayK uy;d fmd,sia uQ,ia:dkfha§ Bfha udOHfõ§ka weu;=fõ wod, fudag¾ r:h o tu ia:dkfha .d,alr ;sìhÈhs'

u;ao%jH cdjdrug wu;rj uqo,a úYQoaêlrKhg wod, jerÈ iïnkaOfhka o iuka; l=udr fkdfyd;a fjf,aiqod fpdaokd ,en isákjd' lsUq,dwef,a .=Kd kue;af;l= iu. tlaj ;‍%ia; ls‍%hd isÿl< njg o Tyq fpdaokdjg ,laj isák njhs fmd,sia m‍%ldYljrhd mejiqfõ' ta wkqj ;%ia;jdoh je,elaùfï mk; hgf;a Tyq ;jÿgrg;a r|jd f.k isák njo fuys§ m‍%ldY flreKd'

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