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w.ue;s isyskh ;=,ska
iqis,a uyskaoj lfâ  hjhs

iqis,a w.ue;sùfï  jEhul@

tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha uyf,alï iy fld<U Èia;%sla ikaOdk wfmalaIl iqis,a fma%uchka; uy;d ;udf.a ie.jqKq kHdhm;%hla hgf;a b;d Wml%uYS,sj ikaOdkh iy tys ishÆ md¾Yj lrejka yiqrjñka isák njg fï jk úg wkdjrKh ù ;sfí' ta nj Bfha^18& isri igk foaYmd,k jevigyfka§ b;d iQlaIuj wkdjrKh lr.ekSug tu jevigyk fufyhjQ iqrx. fiakdkdhl kÛk ,o m%Yakh;a iuÛ yelsúK'

l=reKE., Èia;%sla wfmalaIl uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d lsis÷ f,ilskaj;a w.ue;s fkdlrk njg ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d meyeÈ,s fmdfrdkaÿjla ,nd § ;sìh§ hïfyhlska nyq;r n,fhka ikaOdkfhka w.ue;sjrfhl= f;dardm;a lr.kq ,enqjfyd;a th ysñjkafka ldgo@ ckdêm;sjrhd i|yka l<d há fm<g tkak bv fokak ´kE lshk m%ldYhla' iqis,a fma%uchka; ue;s;=udg fkao tal lf<a@ w.ue;sfjkak fkao Tn;=udf.a ySkh ;sfhkafka@ hehs udOHfõ§ iqrx. fiakdkdhl uy;d keÛQ m%Yakh yuqfõ tlajru iqis,a fma%uchka; uy;d oeä ;s.eiaiug;a" wmyiq;djhg;a m;a jQ whqre b;d meyeÈ,sj olakg ,eìK'

Bg ms<s;=re olajñka fld<U Èia;%sla ikaOdk wfmalaIl iqis,a fma%uchka; uy;d mejiQfha" wfka''wfka'' oekauu udj lmkak hkak tmd
túg udOHfõ§ iqrx. iDcqj úuiqfõ Tn;=udg w.ue;sOqrh ,ndÿkafkd;a Ndr.kakjdo@ tmd lshkjdo@ hkakhs' thg ms<s;=re f,i u| iskyjla mdñka iqis,a fma%uchka; mejiQfha"
Tõ" tal ;SrKh lrkafka wÆ;ska m;afjk md¾,sfïka;=jhs ckdêm;s;=udfka' Tõ" ta ÿkafkd;a fka'' ÿkafkd;a n,uq'' f,ihs'
th ;yjqre lrñka udOHfõ§ iqrx. mejiqfha" f¾,a mdrla ;sfhkak ´kEfka fldÉÑhla hkak;a
Bg b;d i;=gq iskyjla mdñka" iqis,awfka udj oekau wudrefõ odkak tmdhe’hs” lshñka ksyඬ úh'
flfia fj;;a Bg iqis,a ksfhdackh lrñka igkg meñKs wdOdrlrejkaf.ka úYd, m%;spdrhla ,eìK'
fujr uyue;sjrKhg kdu fhdackd ,nd§ug fmr iqis,a fma%uchka; uy;dg w.ue;s wfmalaIl;ajh ,nd§ug ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d tl. ù we;s njg ;sfnk njg úYd, udOH m%pdrhla ,eî ;sìK'
tfiau ysgmq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;dj ikaOdkfha ,ehsia;=jg we;=,;a lrk f,ig uyskao rdcmlaI n,mEï lroa§ mjd Tyqf.a ku fld<U ikaOdk kdufhdckd ,ehsia;=fjka lmd oeóug fld<U Èia;%slalhu ksfhdackh lrk iqis,a fma%uchka; uy;d ie,iqï iy.;j lghq;= lrkq ,enqfha" ÿñkao is,ajd bÈßm;a ùu ;=< Tyq iqis,a blaujd bÈßhg meñ”u wksjd¾fhkau isÿjk fyhska th iqis,af.a ie,eiaug ndOdjla jk ksidfjks'
flfia fj;;a b;d úYajdiodhS wdrxÑ ud¾. Tiafia jd¾;djkafka" iqis,a fma%uchka; ikaOdkh ;=< ieÛjqKq kHdh m;%hla l%shd;aul lrk w;r th uyskao rdcmlaIgo m%Yakd¾:hla ù we;s njhs'

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