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fuodmdr tcdmh uka;%S wdik 115g 
jeäfhka .kakjd 
- ,laIauka lsßwe,a,

fujr uyue;sjrKfha§ tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh uka;%S wdik 115g jeä ixLHdjla ,nd .kakd nj jeú,s l¾udka; wud;H ,laIauka lsßwe,a, uy;d mjihs'

tfiau uyskao rdcmlaI m%uqL taldnoaO úmlaIhg .; yelsjkafka wdik 55la muK nj;a" fï ksid rg jfÜ mkai,a .dfKa .syska Pkao tl;= l<dg M,la fkdjk nj;a" ta uy;d lshhs' ue;sjrKj,§ uyskao rdcmlaI wdKavqj úúO ixo¾Yk lr .kq ,enQ Pkaoj,ska ishhg 40la fujr ke;s jk nj;a" tu Pkaoj,ska nyq;rhla ,efnkafka tcdmhg nj;a" lsßwe,a, uy;d mjihs'

fï ksid uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d  “to;a fyg;a mrdohs tal ;s;a; we;a;” hkqfjkao lkao Wvrggu tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkhla ke;ehso isßfld; tcdm mlaI uQ,ia:dkfha§ Bfha fmrjrefõ meje;s udOH yuqjl§ lsßwe,a, uy;d lSfõh'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg hqoaOh wjika jQ ú.i rg wd¾:sl jYfhka f.dvkeÛSug ie,iqula fkd;snq nj;a" tu ie,iqu we;af;a w.ue;sjrhd m%uqL tcdmhg nj;a" w;S;fha isá tcdm kdhlhska rg ixj¾Okh lsÍu fyd|u WodyrK nj;a" fyf;u mejiSh'

Y%S,ksmhg ueoms<sfj;la ke;s nj;a" th  wka;jdofhka msßys we;s nj;a" mlaIfha fcHIaG ;k;=re w;r tla tla cd;sh ksfhdackh lrkakka w;r ke;sùu Bg fya;=j nj;a" Tyq fmkajdÿkafkah'

udkj ysñlï fpdaokd .ek Ô't,a mSßia uy;d md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla lrkjdoehs lshd m%Yakhla wid we;s nj;a" tjeks mÍlaIKhla lrkjd lshd uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ,sÅ;j fmdfrdkaÿù we;s nj;a" Tyq tfia fmdfrdkaÿ ù we;s ksid th lsÍug isÿj we;s nj;a" lsßwe,a, uy;d mejiSh'

rKúrejkag t;rï wdof¾ kï ir;a f*dkafiald ysf¾ oeïfï ukaoehs o lshd isá ta uy;d oeka we;af;a ueouq,k ,sxueç foaYmd,khla nj fmkajdÿkafkah'

fujr tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh hgf;a ;rÛ je§ug b,aÆï m;% 16"000la muK ,eî we;s nj;a" iq¿ mlaIj,skao tfia b,aÆïm;% ,eî we;s nj;a" lshd isá ta uy;d
tfia jqjo wjidkfha ks¾udKh lrkafka cd;sl wdKavqjla njo mejiSh'

uynexl=fõ ne÷ïlr .kqfokqj .ek w¾cqk ufyakao%kag úreoaOj fpdaokd TmamQ ù ke;ehso ta uy;d jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

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