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hqo yuqodm;s iy
nqoaê wxY wOHla‍I
30 od Widú le|jhs

udOHfõ§ m%.S;a tla‌ke,sf.dv uy;d w;=reokaùfï isoaêhg wod< fm;aifï j. W;a;rlrejka f,ig hqo yuqodm;s Æ;skka fckrd,a l%sIdka; o is,ajd uy;d iy yuqod nqoaê wxY wOHla‍Ijrhd we;=<;a lrk f,ig wNshdpkdêlrKh Bfha ^19 od& ksfhda. lf<ah'

tfukau tla‌ke,sf.dv uy;df.a w;=reokaùu ms<sn| m%Yak lsÍu i|yd wjYH jqfjd;a by; ks,OdÍka fofokd hgf;a fiajh lrk oekg tu isoaêh iïnkaOj ryia‌ fmd,sish Ndrfha r|jd isák yuqod ks,OdÍka we;=¿ ´kEu ks,Odßhl= wêlrKhg le|ùug fydaud.u ufyia‌;%d;ajrhdg n,h mejfrk ksfhda.hla‌ o wNshdpkdêlrKh Bfha ksl=;a lf<ah' 
;jo" hqo yuqodm;sjrhdg iy yuqod nqoaê wxY wOHla‍Ijrhdg fuu ui ^Tla‌f;dan¾& 30 od wNshdpkdêlrKh yuqfõ fmkS isák f,i o okajñka Bfha fkd;sis ksl=;a lf<ah'

wNshdpkdêlrKh tlS ksfhda.h lf<a ikaOHd tla‌ke,sf.dv uy;añh ish kS;s{jrhd jk l%sia‌ud,a j¾KiQßh uy;d u.ska fudaiula‌ f.dkq lrñka l< b,a,Sulg wkqjhs'

tla‌ke,sf.dv uy;d w;=reokaùfï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fydaud.u ufyia‌;%d;a wêlrKh yuqfõ úNd.hla‌ meje;afjk w;r fï jk úg wêlrKh lSm fofkl=f.ka idla‍Is úuid we;'

tla‌ke,sf.dv uy;añh yd wef.a orejka fofokd tla‌ke,sf.dv uy;df.a w;=reokaùu .ek uq,skau fm;aiula‌ f.dkq lf<a wNshdpkdêlrKhghs' Bg miqj ta ms<sn| mÍla‍IKhla‌ meje;aùu i|yd fydaud.u ufyia‌;%d;a wêlrKhg fhduq flßKs'

fm;aifï j. W;a;rlrejka f,i kï lr isá yuqodm;s iy yuqod ks,OdÍka oeka fiajfha ke;s neúka kj yuqodm;s Æ;skka fckrd,a ta' ví,sõ' fþ' iS' is,ajd yd yuqod nqoaê wxYfha wOHla‍I we;=<;a lr fm;aiu ixfYdaOkh lsÍug o wNshdpkdêlrKh Bfha ^19 od& fm;aiïldßhg wjir ÿkafkah'

fm;aiïldßh Bfha f.dkq l< fudaiu u.ska lshd isáfha uq,skau fm;aiu f.dkq lrk úg wef.a ieñhdf.a w;=reokaùug j.lsjhq;= lsisfjla‌ fkdisá kuq;a oeka isoaêh .ek ryia‌ fmd,sish l< mÍla‍IKj,ska miqj yuqodfõ 11 fokl= m%Yak lsÍu i|yd w;awvx.=jg f.k r|jdf.k isák njhs'

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