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zzcd;sjd§kazz ysf¾ ouk mk;
w.ue;sf.a ueosy;a ùfuka wek ysà''

ckjdßfha bÈßm;a lrkak
tmd hehs w.ue;s lsh,d''

wd.ñl yd cd;sl we;s lrk ffjÍ m%ldY lrk mqoa.,hkag jir foll isr o`vqjï ,nd§u kS;s.; lsÍu i|yd miq.shod md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a l< wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yh iy oKa‌v kS;s ix.%yhg wod< ixfYdaOk mk;a flgqïm;a kshu l< 08 jeksod újdohg fkd.kakd nj iNdkdhl ,la‍Iauka lsßwe,a, uy;d Bfha ^17 od& md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%ldY lf<ah'
fuu mk;a flgqïm;a ms<sn|j rg ;=< úfrdaO;djla‌ u;=j we;s ksid tajd b,a,d wia‌lr .kakehs isú,a ixúOdk 22 la‌ iy úmla‍Ifha uka;%Sjreka b,a,d we;s njg tcksi uka;%S ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok uy;d m%ldYhla‌ l< wjia‌:dfõ§ iNdkdhljrhd by; m%ldYh lf<ah'

fï ms<sn| w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iuÛ l;d l< njo tlS mk;a flgqïm;a fol ckjdß udifha§ bÈßm;a fkdlrk nj oekqï fokakehs w.ue;sjrhd Wmfoia‌ ÿka njo iNdkdhljrhd lSfõh'

fuu mk;a flgqïm;a fol wfydais l< fkdyelsoehs ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok uy;d úuid isáh§ iNdkdhljrhd m%ldY lf<a ta .ek ;uka idlÉPd lrñka isák njhs'

NdIs;" ,s; fyda lshùug woyia‌ lrkq ,enQ jpkfhka fyda ix{j,ska fyda oelsh yels ksrEmKj,ska fyda wkHdldrfhka ck fldgia‌ w;r fyda fjk;a mka;sj, ;eke;a;ka w;r fyda fjkia‌ jd¾.sl fyda wd.ñl lKa‌vdhï w;r oreKq l%shd fyda wd.ñl" jd¾.sl fyda cd;sl fyda wikaf;daIh fyda i;=re nj we;s lrk fyda ;e;a lrk ke;fyd;a Bg fmd,Ujk fyda ;e;a lrk hful=g o`vqjï kshu lsÍu fjkqfjka fuu mk;a fol ixfYdaOkh lr we;'

tfiau tjka jrolg jrolre jk ;eke;af;l=g fyda lKa‌vdhulg wjqreÿ foll nrm;< jev iys; fyda rys; isro`vqjula‌ hk fohdldrfhka tla‌ wdldrhlg nkaOkd.dr.; lsÍulska o`vqjï lrkq ,eìh hq;=hs hkqfjkao fuu ixfYdaOkfha ola‌jd we;'

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