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uf.a iskaÿ oeka wefyk
.S;j,g jeäh fjkia 
- YIsld ksixi,d

,dxflah ix.S; lafIa;%fha kula Èkd isák .dhk Ys,amskshka w;r m%uqLia:dkhla ysñ lr.;a .dhsldjl f,i YIsld ksixi,d y÷kajd§u jrola fkdue;' wo l;dny wef.a kj;u .S;h yd kQ;k .S;fha j;f.d; iïnkaOfhks'

wÆ;au .S;fhka l;dny wdrïN lf<d;a@

wÆ;au .S;h ;uhs zweia fol mqrdZZ' ;s<sK reyqKf.a ;uhs th ix.S;j;a lf<a' rÑ;d jdlsIag ;uhs mo rpkh lf<a' ;s<sK tlal oekg jir y;rlg mylg l,ska yuqjqKq fj,djl iskaÿjla lruq lsh, l;d l<d' kuq;a lrkak neßjqKd' miqj yuqjqKq fj,djl ;uhs fï .S;hg wjia:dj ie,iqfKa' tys§ ;s<sK ug .S;h tj, ;snqKd' 

ùäfhdajl=;a iu. ckm%sh rgdfõ tl .S;hhs jirlg ks¾udKh lrkafka' uu uf.a ieñh;a tlalhs .S; f;darkafka' wms iskaÿ úiaila ú;r wy, ;uhs tlla f;dard.kafka' ug weú;a ;snqKq .S; tlal f;dar,d Tyqf.a .S;fha fjkialï ;snqKd' uu fydhkafk;a fjkia iskaÿ' ta iskaÿfõ jpk yd ;kqj ,iaikhs lshd is;=Kq ksid ;uhs wms th lruq lshd ;SrKh lf<a'

Tn;a taldldÍ .S;uhs .dhkd lrkafka lsh, fpdaokd lf<d;a@

kE" fufyuhs'' uf.a iskaÿ ysÜ fjkjd lsh,hs uu kï ys;kafk" uf.a iskaÿ taldldßhs lsh, lshkak nE' wo hk rgdfõ .S; mgka.;af; .sïydk ldf,a iskaÿfjka' B<.g uu lf<a ÿr hkak is;=jdg .S;h' z.sïydk ldf,aZ iskaÿj fgïfmda ;sfhk 4$4 iaghs,a tfla .S;hla' ,;ska ix.S;hg ;ud keUqre' kuq;a yqiaula ÿßka .S;h wvq ßoauhl .S;hla' uu /,a,g hkjdh lsõfjd;a talg fokak ;sfhk fyd|u W;a;f¾ ;uhs zÿr hkak is;=jdgZ .S;h' B<.g uu lf<a zu,air ySißkaZ .S;h' tys ßoauh jeähs' B<.g uu lf<a zwm yuqjqK ;ekZ .S;h' th wks;a ;=kgu jeäh ßoaufhka fjkia' th;a f.dvla fofkla lsõjd oeka wefyk iskaÿj,g jeäh f.dvla fjkia iskaÿjlah lsh,d'

B<.g lf<a zweismsh fkdfy<dZ .S;h' yefudau lsõjd fï wefyk rgdfjka yq.lau fjkia ksihs ta .S;h yq.lau ysÜ jqfKa lsh,' úry .S; wefyk w;f¾ fïl wdor .S;hla iy ;kqj;a fjkia' th ux m%shka; whshg lsh, yod.;a; tlla' fIydka .,ysáhdj ;uhs ,sõfõ' Bgmiafi zweia fol mqrdZ .S;h' oeka wefyk iskaÿj,g jeäh fjkia' ;du msßñ wh .S; .hk rgdj fjkia kEfka' 

tlu ;kqfõ úryjg fldgqjqKq .S;fka ;sfhkafk' uf.a .S; ;sfhkafka wdorh iy úryj w;f¾' uu tl rgdjlg fldgqfj,d keye' uu /,af,a .S;j,g wyqfj,d lsh,j;a ys;kafk kE' uf.a .S; meyeÈ,sj riú¢k flfkl=g th f;areï .kak mq¿jka'~

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