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W;=f¾ we;s yuqod l|jqre
bj;a fkdl<fyd;a jvd úkdYhla
isÿ úh yelshs - ú.afkaIajrka

W;=re m<df;a yuqod l|jqre bj;a lsÍug ld,h meñK we;s nj m<d;a m%Odk wud;H iS' ù ú.afkaIajrka uy;d mjihs'

Tyq mjikafka wdhqO .nvd fya;=fjka yuqod l|jqre mej;Su m%foaYh ;=< wkdrlaIs; ;;a;ajhla Woa.; lrk njhs'

W;=f¾ úYd,;u wù .nvdj msysá hdmkh uhs,ä hqo yuqod l|jqr we;=¿ yuqod l|jqr jydu bj;a fkdl<fyd;a fldia.u isÿjQ úkdYh wìsnjd .sh úkdYhla W;=f¾ isÿjkq we;ehs ú.afkaIajrka uy;d mejiSh'

W;=f¾ ck;djf.a wdrlaIdjg ;rck jk fuu yuqod l|jqre bj;a lsÍu iïnkaOfhka hqo yuqod m%OdkSka iu.ska ld,fha meje;ajQ idlÉPdjlao wid¾:l jQ nj o fyf;u mejiSh'

jõkshdfõ msysá iajfoaY lghq;= wud;HdxYfha Bfha ^09& jeksod mej;s idlÉPdjlg iyNd.s ù udOHhg woyia olajñka ú.afkaIajrka uy;d fï nj i|yka lf<ah'

hdmkh" uhs,ä m%foaYfha bvï yd uhs,sáÜ ëjr l,dmh ksoyia lrk f,i yd tu m%foaYfhka ñhs,sáÜ yuqod l|jqr bj;a lrkakehs b,a,ñka hqo yuqod m%OdkSka iu.ska idlÉPd l< nj;a tys§ ish b,a,Sï yuqodj úiska m%;slafIam l< nj;a ú.afkaIajrka uy;d mejiSh'

fuys§ fuu l|jqr tl jr bj;a lr.; fkdyels nj;a m%Odku wú .nvdj fuys msysgd we;s ksid tu l|jqr fjk;a m%foaYhlg f.k hdugo ie,lsh hq;= ld,hla .; jk nj;a hqo yuqod m%OdkSka ;uka yd ;jÿrg;a m%ldY l< njo ú.afkaIajrka uy;d lSh'

fldia.u hqo yuqod l|jqf¾ msmsÍu;a iu. isÿjQ úkdYfhka fldia.u yd Bg wdikak m%foaY /ilg w,dN ydks isÿ jQ nj;a fï wdldrhg uhs,ä hqo yuqod l|jqr mqmqrd .shfyd;a uq¿ W;=ru iu;,d jk nj;a fyf;u mejiSh'

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