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Wmd,s f;kakfldaka Wo,d.uj
fmrÜgqfõ § y÷kd .kS

2009'09'23 Èk .ïmy bUq,af.dv § ßúr ysgmq l;D Wmd,s f;kakfldaka uy;dg myr ÿkakehs lshk hqo yuqod nqoaê wxYfha ysgmq udKav,sl ierhka fma%ï wdkkao Wo,d.uj .ïmy jevn,k ufyaia;%d;a u,s;a fyar;a uy;d bÈßfha meje;ajq y÷kd.ekSfï fmrÜgqfõ § Wmd,s yd Tyqf.a ìß| y÷kd.;ay'

fuu iellre y÷kd .ekSug idlaIslrejka ;sfokl= bÈßm;a ler ;snQ w;r Wmd,s f;kakfldaka uy;d iy Tyqf.a ìßh jQ Oïñld u,aldka;s f;kakfldaka iellre y÷kd .;ay'

y÷kd .ekSfï fmfrÜgqj meje;ajQfõ .ïmy jevn,k ufyaia;%d;a ufyaIa fyar;a uy;d úisks'

zÈjhskz mqj;amf;a o m%Odk l¾;Dj isá f;kakfldaka uy;d fuu m%ydrhg ,la‌jQfha ßúr mqj;amf;a m%Odk l¾;D Oqrh fydnjñka isáh§h' udOHfõ§ ,ika; úl%u;=x. uy;df.a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka ßudkaâ Ndrfha miqjk iellre jk hqo yuqod nqoaê wxYfha udKa‌v,sl ierhka fma%ï wdkkao Wo,d.u kue;s iellrej uyr nkaOkd.dr ks,OdÍka úiska wdjrKh lr wêlrKh fj; bÈßm;a lr ;sì‚'

iellref.a PdhdrEm fjí wvú j, iy mqj;am;l m<ù ;snQ fyhska y÷kd .ekSfï fmrÜ‌gqj meje;aùu iïnkaOj iellref.a kS;s{hka úfrdaOh m< l< njg wêlrKfha§ i|yka úh'

iellre .ïmy w;sf¾l ufyia‌;%d;a ,,s;a lkakka.r uy;d yuqjg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej ,nk 29 jeksod ola‌jd rla‍Is; nkaOkd.dr.; lrk f,ig kshu úh'

meñ‚,a, fjkqfjka wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fmd'm' l%sIdka; is,ajd fmkS isá w;r iellre fjkqfjka kS;s{ Ñka;l wurisxy iy iqrd;a ,shkf.a hk uy;ajre fmkS isáhy' wêlrKfhka msg;g meñ‚ Wmd,s f;kakfldaka uy;d udOHhg woyia olajñka lshd isáfha oeka rfÜ kS;sh yßyeá l%shd;aul jk nj;a jir .Kkdjlg miqj fyda hqla;sh bgqjkq we;ehs úYajdi lrk njhs' isoaêh 2009'01'29 isÿ jQ w;r ta ld,h ;=< mÍlaIKhla yßyeá isÿ fkdjqkq njo ta uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'

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