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la‍fIa;%hg fld;rï wh meñ‚h;a
lemùu ke;akï bÈßhg hkak nE
- m%idÈ rdcmlaI

wjqreÿ l=ußh ;r.hka Tiafia ksrEmK l,djg meñ‚ weh" jHdmdßl yd ;dlaI‚l Wmdêh yodrñka isákakSh' ;u olaI;dj" lemùfuka ksrEmK la‍fIa;%fha È.= .ukla hEug ierfik weh kñka m%idÈ rdcmlaIh' is;a jiÕ lrjk iq¿ iskydjlska uqj iridf.k wef.a bÈß lghq;= ms<sn|j mejiqfõ fujekakls'

Tn .ek ye¢kaùu lf<d;a@

uf.a ku m%idÈ rdcmlaI' jhi wjqreÿ 22hs' mÈxÑ fj,d bkafka l|dfka' jHdmdßl iy ;dlaIKh ms<sn| SIBT wdh;kfha Wmdêhla yodrkjd' uf.a mjqf,a bkafka wïud" ;d;a;d iy whshd ú;rhs'

lafIa;%hg tkafka fldfyduo@

2014 j¾Ifha§ forK wjqreÿ l=ußh ;r.fhka fojeks ;ekgo" 2015 j¾Ifha§ isri l=ußh ;r.fhka wjika 09 fokd w;rgo" 2016 iaj¾Kjdysks wjqreÿ l=ußh ;r.fhka wjika 12 fokd w;rgo f;areKd' t;ekska ;uhs lafIa;%hg tkafka'

lafIa;%hg tkak leu;a;la tkafka wehs@

fmdä ldf, b|,u f,dl= ySkhla ;snqKd ñia Y%S ,xld" ñia j¾,aâ jf.a ;r. n,kak' fmdä ldf, b|kau ta i|yd wdidjla oelajqjd'

ksrEmKfhkao biairyg hkak n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkafka@

Bridal dressing ;uhs f.dvlau wdi' kuq;a ksfõokh me;af;ka wdidjla ;sfhkjd'

/lshdj jYfhka n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkafka@

uu ;du bf.kSfï lgq;= lrk .uka bkafka' ta lghq;= wjika jqKdu ta .ek ys;,d n,kjd'

ksrEmK lafIa;%h .ek fudlo ysf;kafka@

fyd| lafIa;%hla' kuq;a mßiaifuka nqoaêu;aj biairyg hkak ´fka'

wo ksrEmsldjka m%udKfha jeähla ;sfhkjd fkao@

oekqu" l=i,;djh" m<mqreoao ;sfhk ´fku flfkl=g lafIa;%hg tkak mq¿jka' kuq;a /£ isàugkï olaI;dj ;sfhkak ´fka'

bÈß jev .ek lsõfjd;a@

f*dfgda IQÜia" n%hsv,a IQÜ" *eIka fIda lsysmhla i|yd wdrdOkd ,eì,d ;sfhkjd' tajg uf.a Wmßu odhl;ajhla §ug n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd'

ljqre yß u;la lrkak msßila bkakjdo@

Tõ wksjd¾hfhkau' uf.a wïud" ;d;a;d" whshd" isri l=ußh ;r.h i|yd ug iyh ÿka isri ld¾huKav,hg" forK wjqreÿ l=ußh i|yd iydh ÿka forK ld¾huKav,hg' ta fu;la wd .ufka§ PdhdrEm i|yd udj f;dard .;a ieugu iy jpkhlska fyda ug Woõ l< yefudagu ia;+;sjka; fjkjd'

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