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fmdä kx.s tlal f,dl= wlal
lrmq jefâ fmd,sisfha§ udÜgq

fmd,sisfha§ wiïu; fmï m,ys,õj t,shg

fyÜáfmd< m%foaYfha ;re‚hka fofokl= w;r yg.;a wiïu; fm%auhla ÿrÈ. hEfuka miq jhi wjqreÿ 20la jQ ;re‚h jhi 15la jQ ;u wkshï fmïj;sh ;%sfrdaoßhl oudf.k nf,ka meyerf.k hEug ;e;a lsÍfï§ .ïuqkag fldgqù ;%sfrdao r:h;a" ßheÿre;a iydhg meñ‚ ;j;a ;re‚hlao iuÕska fmïj;shka fofokdo fyÜáfmd< fmd,sishg Ndr § ;sfí'

fï fmïhqj< {d;s ;re‚hka jk w;r jeäuy,a ;re‚h ^20& fjkakmamqj m%foaYfha mÈxÑldßhls'

fyÜáfmd< m%foaYfha <dnd, ^15& {d;s ;re‚hf.a ksfjig jßkajr meñK Èk 2-3la .;lr hEfuka miqj fuu in|lu we;sù we;'

by; i|yka 20 yeúßÈ ;re‚h fldKavh ;reKhl= f,i fldgg lmd l,siï lñi w¢ñka msßñ we÷ï me,÷ï Ndú; lrk ;eke;a;shls' ÿïmdkhg weíneys ù we;s wehf.a YÍrfha lSm m<lu mÉpdo fldgd we;' fuksid fndfyda fokl=g weh ;re‚hlehs is;d .; fkdyels ù we;'

fyÜáfmd< m%foaYfha mÈxÑ <dnd, ;re‚h uehg wu;d we;af;a ziqÿ whshdz kñks'

fï fofokdf.a ys;jka;lu;a fmr ;re‚hf.a yeisÍï rgdj;a ksid jeäuy,a ;re‚hg fyÜáfmd< ksfjig taug ;yxÑ oeóu fya;=fjka weh ish fmïj;sh meyerf.k hEug ie,iqï fldg we;'

fï i|yd wjqreÿ 18l muK ;j;a ;re‚hlf.a iydh we;sj fyÜáfmd< k.rhg meñK ;sfrdao r:hlao iQodkï lrf.k fï meyerf.k hEu l%shd;aul fldg we;'

fmd,sisfha§ È. yereKq fuu wiïu; fmï m,ys,õfõ§ fofokd ,shk ,o fmïm;a f;d.hlao yuqù we;s w;r fofokd ziqÿ whshdz yd zwdor îz kñka wduka;%Kh fldgf.k we;'

fofokd ffjoH mÍlaIKhlg fhduq lrùug fyÜáfmd< fmd,sish lghq;= lrf.k hhs'

nd,jhialdr oeßh meyerf.k hEug meñ‚ njg iel flfrk ;re‚h yd wehg iydh jQ ;re‚h;a tu l%shdj i|yd iydhg meñ‚ ;%sfrdao r: ßheÿr;a fyÜáfmd< ufyia;%d;a wêlrKhg fhduq fldg we;'

fyÜáfmd< fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s m%'fmd'm' iqÔj o fidhsid uy;df.a Wmfoia u; wmrdO úu¾Yk wxYfha ia:dkdêm;s fmd'm' ks,ka; fm%aur;ak" <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hdxYfha ia:dkdêm;s W'fmd'm' wd¾'tï'tÉ'fla' r;akdhl hk ks,OdÍyq fï ms<sn| jeäÿr mÍlaIK mj;aj;s'

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