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wjqreÿ 16la jhie;s fmïj;sh
;%sfrdao r:hlska /f.k f.dia
hy¿jka iu. tlaù
rxpq .eiS ¥IKh lr,d

fmïj;sh rjgd ;%sfrdao r:hlska /f.k f.dia ;j;a ;reKhka fofokl= iuÕ rxpq .eiS ¥IKh lr weh w;ruÕ oud hEfï isoaêhla iïnkaOfhka ;re‚hf.a fmïj;d hehs lshk whl= iy ;j;a ;reKhka fofokl= ú,ÉÑh fmd,sish úiska fmf¾od ^10od& miajrefõ w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

wjqreÿ 16 udi oyhla jhie;s <dnd, ;re‚hla iuÕ fm%au iïnkaO;djla we;s lrf.k isá wkqrdOmqr m%foaYfha ;reKhl= ;j;a ;reKhka fofokl= iuÕ bl=;a 09 jeksod rd;%s 10'00g muK wehj yuqùu i|yd ;re‚hf.a ksfji wi,g f.dia ;sfí'

ujqmshka kskaog f.dia isá neúka Tjqkag fydfrka fm%aujka;hd iuÕ l;d lsÍug ;re‚h ksfji bÈßmsg ud¾.h foig meñK we;' miqj weh iuÕ fm%au iïnkaO;djla we;s lr f.k isá ;reKhd tu ia:dkfha isáhfyd;a lsisjl=g fyda yiqfõ hehs mjid ;re‚h uq<d fldg weho ;%sfrdao r:hg kxjdf.k ú,ÉÑh jej foig meñK ;sfí'

ú,ÉÑh jefõ md¿ m%foaYhl§ fuu ;re‚h iuÕ iïnkaO;djla meje;ajQ ;reKhd úiska wehj ¥IKhg ,lalr wk;=rej ;%sfrdao r:fhka Tyq iuÕ .sh wfkla ;reKhka fofokdo tys§ wehj ¥IKh lr we;ehs fmd,sish wkdjrKh lrf.k we;'

;re‚h ¥IKh lr rd;%sh myka jkakg fmr Thduvqj m%foaYfha ;re‚h oud fuu mqoa.,hka m,d f.dia ;sfí'

wk;=rej fuu isoaêh ms<sn|j ú,ÉÑh fmd,sishg meñ‚,s lsÍfuka miq fmf¾od ^10od& miajrefõ wkqrdOmqr úydrmd¨‍.u m%foaYfha§ fuu isoaêfha m%Odk iellrejka fofokd w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí' wfkla mqoa.,hd w;awvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd mÍla‍IK wdrïN lr we;ehs ú,ÉÑh fmd,sisfha ks,Odßfhla mejeiSh'

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