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fjkilg uq,a msrE ta
21 jeks ishjfia 21 jeksod

hymd,k wdKavqj n,hg m;ajkafka oekg n,hg m;aù wdKavq lrk tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha fyda Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha iu;a lulg fkdj whqla;sfhka"widOdrKfhka ñßlS" ;e,S fm,S isá iuia: Y%S ,dxlSh ck;djf.a tluq;=lug mska isoaO fjkakgh' fuu tluq;=j we;s lsÍug uq,a jkafka fï rfÜ m%Odk Odrdfõ úoHq;a udOH fyda uqo%s; udOH fkdj fï rfÜ ;reK mrïmrdfjka ikakoaO jQ iudc udOH iu.ska w;aje,a ne|.;a fjí udOHhhs'

tod ckdêm;sjrKhg fmdÿ úmlaIhg wfmalaIlfhl= fkdue;sj ,; fjoa§" wdKavq n,fha isá mlaIfha uyf,alï jrhd jQ iy tjl fi!LH wud;Hjrhd jq ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a ks¾NS; wd.ukh;a iu. ys;a j,ska n,j;a jQ ta fjki fidhd hEu Wfoid iudc udOH iu.ska w;aje,a ne|.;a fjí udOHhg kj mKla f.k tñka ta fkdjeïn¾ 21 Èkh t<Uqfka whqla;sfhka" widOdrKfhka úvdjQ Y%S ,dxlSh ck;dj fl,ska isgqjd kj fjkila fidhd hEugh'

tod ta ck;jf.a ùrhka ms<sn|j l;sldj;la miq lf,l§ udOH ;=< hdka;ñka weú;a .shd mu”'

tod fjkilg uq,a msrE ta iudc udOH yd fjí udOH l,dfõ fufyhjkakka lõo''@ wehs Tjqka fjkilg uq,a msrefõ''@ fl;rï ;¾ck .¾ck wdjdo''@ fldfyduo ta w;S;h''@ fldfyduo lf<a''@

fï fkdjeïn¾ 21 iji 7 b|ka rd;%S 10 fjklka wms l:d lruq' ta ish,af,a ksfhdackhka iu.ska'tla fjkak wms iu.ska' fjkia lrmq ta kj udOH l,dfõu iðù úldYh;a iu.ska'

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