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weue;s f,alïf. mq;d
md;d,h iïnkaO lrf.k
isiqfjla meyerf.k hkak yo,d

Wmldrl mka;sj,g iyNd.s jk we;eï isiqka w;r we;s jk iq¿ iq¿ u; .egqï úiod .ekSu i|yd Tjqka md;d, idudðlhkaf.a iydh ,nd .ekSu nrm;, je/È mQ¾jdo¾Yhla nj;a tu ksid fiiq isiqkag;a wdo¾Yhla ,nd§u i|yd Tjqkag oeä o~qjï ,ndÈh hq;= nj;a kS;s{ úÿr mS' uxpkdhl uy;d mejeiSh'

kS;s{ uxpkdhl uy;d ta nj lshd isáfha uyr.u j;af;af.or m%foaYfha Wmldrl mka;shlg iyNd.s ù miq.shod ^20od& miajrefõ ish ksfji n,d hñka isá isiqjl= äf*kav¾ r:hlska meñ‚ iellrejka isjq fokl= úiska meyer f.k hEug ;e;a lsÍfï isoaêhla iïnkaOfhka uyr.u fmd,sisfha fldia;dm,a ,laud,a ^73034& uy;d m%Odk ufyia;%d;a lksIal úfÊr;ak uy;d fj; Bfha ^21od& bÈßm;a l< kvqjl meñ‚,s md¾Yajfha isiqjdf.a whs;sjdislï fjkqfjka fmkS isáñks'

fï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka uyr.u fmd,sish uÕska w;awvx.=jg .;a iellrejka ;sfokd ,nk 30 Èk olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; lsÍug kshu flreKq w;r úNd.hla i|yd fmkS isák nj lshk isjq jeks iellrejd wem u; uqod yßk f,igo wêlrKfhka kshu flß‚'

meñ‚,sldr isiqjdf.a md¾Yajh fjkqfjka fmkS isá kS;s{ uxpkdhl yd rxð;a iqÿisxy hk uy;ajreka jeäÿrg;a lreKq olajñka wêlrKh yuqfõ lshd isáfha meñ‚,sldr isiqjd fld<U m%foaYfha m%isoaO mdi,l wOHdmkh ,nk whl= nj;a weue;s f,alïjrhl=f.a mq;l= iuÕ Wmldrl mka;shl§ we;s jQ u; .egqula fya;=fjka fuu meyerf.k hEu isÿlsÍug W;aiy lr we;s njg lreKq wkdjrKh jk nj;ah'

;udg ;sfnk ;¾ck iïnkaOfhka tu isiqjd ish ujqmshkag óg fmr okajd ;sî we;s nj;a iellrejka Tyqj äf*kav¾ r:fhka /f.k hEug ;e;a lsÍfï§ mka;sh wi, isá Tyqf.a uj iy wlald Tyqj tu r:fhka ìug weo fírdf.k we;s njo wkdjrKh úh'

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