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ckm;sf.a ÈhKshla
ms<snoj wuq;= l;djla

ksyvj W.;alu tl;=lrk
ckm;s lksgq  ÈhKsh orKs

ckdêm;s;=udf.a fojk ÈhKsh orKs isßfiak b;d ksyv pß;hls' weh m<uq j;djg oel .ekSug yels hq.fha ckdêm;s;=uka  Èjqreï ÿka wjia:dfõ§ ksoyia p;=ri%§ muKs' weh b;d ksyvj ish wOHdmk lghq;= lrk wfhl= njg f.disma99 wm fj; wkdjrkh úh'

fïjkúg tx.,ka;fha  úYajúoHd,hlska ish kS;sfõ§ Wmdêh b;d by, uÜgñka iu;aù ish Ôú;h ks;s[ jßhla f,i lghq;= lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka isák nj;a jD;Sh fõÈkshla f,i ;u Ôú;h f.dvk.d.kak n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk weh ;j;a wxY .kdjls ;u kS;s oekqu mq¿,alr .ekSug;a ;u jD¾:sh  jákdlu jeä lr.ekSug;a fï Èkj, wOHdmkfha ksr;j isák nj wehf.a ióm;ufhl= wm fj; mejiSh ';jo jeä ÿrg;a weh cd;Hka;r ks;s iy irKd.;hka ms<sno f,dal ks;s ms<sno mq¿,a yeoeßu ksr;j isák nj;a weh ,nd we;s Wmdêhg wkqj hqfrdamh tx.,ka;h iy ialEkaäfkúhkq  rgj,o fiajh lsÍug n,h we;s nj;a mejiSh '

weh n%s;dkHfha ish kS;sfõ§ WmdÈh ,nd.;a wjia:djg ckdêm;s ;=ud iy ue;sksh we;=¿ mjqf,a idudðlhka thg iyNd.Súh'

f.diama99 ;jÿrg;a weh ms<snoj fidhd ne,sks tysÈ wehg ióm;uhka fkdjqk;a weh iu. wOHmkh yeoE/ ñ;=rka fuf,io mejiSh  tx.,ka;fha úYajúoHd,hlska b;d by,ska kS;sfj§ WmdÈh iïmq¾K l, orKs isßfiak ;u mshd rfÜ ckdêm;s jrhd ù isáhÈ;a lsisÿ rcfha /lshdjla b,a,d fkdisàu iy fkdlsÍu mqÿuhg lreKls' ta wef.a ksy;udkS lu fukau W.;alfï ,laIKhla nj;a' n%s;dkHfha úYajúoHd,hlska ms<s.;yels i;H WmdÈhla ;sfnk weh rgfjkqfjka cd;Hka;rj ;sfnk kS;s .eg¿ iïnkaofhka rgg fiajhla lsÍug yelshdjla ;sìh§;a fufia isàu lK.dgqjlg lreKla nj;a Tjqka mejiSh'

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