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uyskaodkkao we;=¿ lKavdhfï
w,a,ia yd ¥IK kdgl h,s;a @

ck;d wm%idohg ,la fjñka úmlaIfha l=Kq nlalshg weo jegqKq uyskaodkkao w¿;a.uf.a we;=¿ msßi wo h,s ck;d wjOdkh ;uka fj; ,nd.ekSfï oeä jEhul kssr; fjñka isák nj wdrxÑud¾. ioyka lrhs' n,h ;sìh§ lsisª ck;d fiajhla fkdlrñka isg nv jvd.ekSfï muKla ksr;ù" wo ta jrm%ido wysñ fjoa§  ish merKs foaYmd,k uv j,gu neiSug Tyqg isÿj ;sfí' ck;dj fjkqfjka ish hq;=lu bgq lrñka foaYmd,k Yla;sh ck;d fiajhg lem l, foaYmd,k kdhlhska wmlS¾;shg m;alsÍu Tyqf.a jEhu nj mejfia' 

lsisfia;au Tyqg w¿;a fohla fkdjk fuf,i wmydi lsÍu uq,skau Tyq werUqfõ 2004 2005 ue;sjrK jHdmdrh b,lal lr .ksñkqhs' ;ukag wNsfhda.hla jQ  m%n, foaYmd,k{hskaf.a m%;srEmh ì| fy,Su i|yd 2004'02'12 jeks Èk tli;a cd;sl fmruqfKa weu;sjreka 14 fofkl=f.a kï i|yka lr w,a,ia fldñiu fj; w,a,ia fpdaokd ndrfokq ,eîh'

2004 jif¾ isg 2014 olajd tjl rch úiska fyda fpdaokd t,a, l, uyskaodkkao w¨;a.uf.a úiska ta ms,sn| lsisª mshjrla fkd.;af;a th yqfola foaYmd,k jdis fjkqfjka lrk ,o udOH ixo¾YKhla muKla ùu neúks' 2016'06'10 Èk md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ wêlrK wud;H úchodi rdcmlaI uy;d úiska wod, fpdaokd iïnkaO ,smsf.dKq wjYH mßÈ f;dr;=re bÈßm;a fkdùu fya;=fjka jidoud we;snj iúia;rd;aulj meyeÈ,s lr we;'

kej; jrla 2015 jif¾ ck;dj bÈßfha m%;slafIamùu fya;=fjka úmlaIfha fyda ;ekla fkd,enqKq uyskaodkkao we;=¿ msßi h,s;a jrla ixúOdkd;aulj W;aidy lrñka fgdma fgka kdglh rÛolajd 2004 jif¾ fukau rcfha m%n,hskaf.a m%;srEmh ì|oud ck;d wjOdkh Èkd.ekSfï wid¾:l W;aidyhlhs' kuq;a uyskaodkkaof.a ls,af,dagfhao ldg;a jeäh yqkq msÍ we;s nj wms oksuq'

mlaImdg fíohlska f;drj is;+ l,  fuf,i kj rch úiskau ,ndÿka udOH ksoyi Ndú; lrñka jr ks¾,Êð; f,i ckys;jd§ foaYmd,k kdhlhskag uv.eiSulao@

.hdka fmf¾rd

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