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wdpd¾h mKaä;a ví,sõ' ã' wurfoaj
Y+rSka oefhka iuq.kS

ix.S; ima; iajrfhka Y%S ,dxflah ix.S; rislhka wukaodkkaohg m;al< fy<fha uyd .dhl wdpd¾h mKaä;a ví,sõ' ã' wurfoaj YQÍka óg iaj,am fudfyd;lg fmr ðú; .ukska iuqf.k ;sfnkjd' wurfoaj iQÍka yÈis yDohdndO ;;a;ajhla fya;=fjka Y%S chj¾Okmqr uy frday,g Bfha rd;%Sfha we;=<;a lr we;'
1927 jifra§ foieïn¾ 05 jeksod jkakl=j;a; jvqf.a fodka w,an¾Ü fmfrard kñka fudrgqfja§ Wm; ,o wurfoajhka Ôjk .ukska iuq.kakd úg 88 jeks úfha miq jq w;r jklal=j;a; ñá jvqf.a fodka we,anÜ fmf¾rd" m%lg .dhk yd ix.S;{fhl= f,i miq lf,l ví'ã wurfoaj kñka m%lg jQ w;r tu ku Ndú;d lrk f,i fhdackd lr we;af;a uydpd¾h tÈßùr irÉpkao% úiska hhs lshkq ,efí'

is;drh" ;í,dj" yd¾fudakshu jeks Ydia;%Sh ix.S; NdKav tlafldg .ksñka" isxy, ck ix.S;h iy Ndr; ckuQ, ix.S;h iajlSh ks¾udK úIhg odhl lr.ksñka fyf;u fy< ix.S; lafIa;%hg wñ, fiajhla bgq lf<ah'

wurfoaj iQÍka wOHdmkh ,enqfõ Y%s ioaO¾fudaoh ñY% mdif,ka jk w;r Tyq oaú;shsl wOHdmkh ,enqfõ mdkÿr Y%S iqux., úoHd,fhks' blaì;sj Tyq l¿;r úoHd,hgo n,msáh isoaOd¾: úoHd,hgo we;=<;aj miq lf,l bkaÈhdfõ ,lakõys Nd;aLKafâ ix.S; úoHd,hgo we;=<;aj wOHdmkh yeoErefõh'

zzKwfYdalud,dZZ Ñ;%mgh rEm.; lrk wjêfha tu Ñ;%mgfha ix.S; wOHla‍Ijrhdjq fufyduÙ .jqia udiag¾ ;u ix.S; lKavdhfï m%Odk jh,Sk jdolhd f,i wurfoaj iQÍkaf.a fiajh ,ndf.k ;sfí'

foia úfoia iïudk rdYshlska msÿï ,enQ wurfoaj iQÍka ta w;r ms,smSk rfudaka u.aihsidhs iïudkh ^2001&" bkaÈhdkq moau Y%s iïudkh iy Y%s ,xldfõ l,dlS¾;s ckdêm;s iïudkh ^1986&" fukau foaYudkH iïudkh^1998& wd§h úfYaI fldg ie,lsh yelsh'

tfukau 1967" hqfkiaflda ueks,d isïfmdaishu iy" zzK.jqñ i,dïZZ kï jQ ud,Èjhska cd;sl .Sh ioyd 1972 § n%s;dkH t<sifn;a /ðkf.a wdrdOkfhka hq;=j ;kqj ks¾udKhg odhl ùu wdÈfhka" Tyq cd;Hdka;rh ;=< ,dxflah wkkH;dj i,l=Kq l< úYsIagfhl= úh'

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