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wdKavqj fjí wvú iy
iudc fjí wvú cd,d ;ykï lrkak
ie,iqï yok njg ielhs
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fï wdKavqfj ;sôßf.h jQfha iudc cd,dhs

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fnd/,a, weka'weï' fmf¾rd flakaøfha§ Bfha ^21& meje;s taldnoaO úmlaI udOH yuqjl§ Tyq fï nj i|yka lf<ah' ckdêm;sjrK iy uy ue;sjrK wjêfha wdKavqfõ ;sôßf.h jQfha iudc jfí wvú jqj;a j¾;udkfha§ tajd md,kh lsÍug j;auka wdKavq m%OdkSka iQodkï jk njo Tyq m%ldY lf<ah'

ta wkqj fï ms<sn| wjêfhka iy wjfndaOfhka isák f,ig ish¨‍ udOH cd,dj,ska ;uka b,a,d isák njo uka;%Sjrhd mejiSh'

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