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úð; frdayKf.a ckau m;%h 
bkaÈl f;dgj;a; n,hs

úð; frdayk ìh.=¿ iqkLfhla
bÈßfha§ nkaOkd.dr .;ùula ld,fha§ wdkafoda,kd;aul wkdjels lsysmhla bÈßm;a lrñka tajd id¾:l jQjd hehs m%ldY lrñka m%isoaêhg m;a úð; frdayK kï fcda;s¾fjÈhd fï Èkj, wka;¾cd,fha jvd;a l;d nyg ,la ù we;'Tyq úiska ffu;%smd, isßfiak ckdêm;s;=ud ckdêm;sjrKfhka ch .kakd nj;a weußldkq ckm;s  fvdk,aâ g%qïma ch.kak nj;a bkaÈhdkq w.ue;s f,i fud§ m;ajk nj;a Tyq bÈßm;a l, id¾:l jQ wkdjels f,i wka;¾cd,fha ioykaj we;'kuq;a ñg jirlg muK by;§ t<fnk ckjdß 26 jk Èk Y%S ,xld ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak ue;s;=ukaf.a ðú;hg m%N, ;¾ckhla we;s nj;a thska  fíÍug t;=udg fkdyels nj;a Tyq úiska È.ska È.g ikd; l, wkdjelshls'
th tfia isÿ fkdjqkfyd;afia ñka bÈßhg wkdjels lsùu fukau ishÆ fcda;sIHh lghq;= j,ska neyer jk nj m%ldY lf<ah' fj;;a 2017 ckjdß 18 jkod Tyq úiska wdod, wkdjelsh fjkia lrkafka wfma%,a udifha§ fikiqre .%yhdf.a jl% ùula isÿ jk neúka wdod, wk;=r udi 10lska l, njhs'tys§o Tyq ioyka lrkafka th ikd: fkdjqkfyd;a Tyq wkdjels lSfuka muKla Tyq bj;a jk njhs'ta wkqj fmr wjia:djg jvd fojk wkdjelsfha Tyqg ;sfnkafka wúYajdihls'

by; lreKq i,ld neÆ Tyq iu. fcda;s¾úOHhd u; .egqula mj;sk 2015 ckjdß 8 ckdêm;sjrKh ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d iagÒrj ch .kakd nj lshQ bkaÈl f;dgj;a; uy;d úð; frdayKf.a ckau m;%h mßlaId lrñka 2017 ckjdß 19 jkod ùäfhda mghla wka;¾cd,hg uqod yßñka úð; frdayKf.a wkd.;h ms<sno wkdjelshla bÈßm;a lr we;'tys§ ioyka jkafka ckjdß 26 fikiqre udrefjka b;d krlu ld,hla fukau tardIaGl ;;ajhla ckdêm;s;=udg flfia fj;;a úð; frdayKg Wod ù we;s njhs'jir 29lg miq  úð; frdayKf.a ðú;fha wÿre;u hq.h ckjdß 26ka miqj we;s jk nj;a iudcfha wmlS¾;su;a mqoa.,fhla jkjd ksiel jYfhkau isr.; ùug fyda frday,a .; ùug ksielju ckjdß 26;a ud¾;= ui w. ld, iSudj ;=, ia:sr jYfhkau isÿ jk nj;ah'f,dalfha úúO mqoa.,hkaf.a flakaor n,ñka wkdjels lshk úð; frdayKg l%sIaK uq¾;s moku hgf;a Tyqf.a wkd.;h ms,snoj ;sfnkakd jQ wk;=r ffu;%S iy.; isf;ka bkaÈl f;dgj;a; wkdjelshla bÈßm;a lr we;'wdod, wkdjels w;ßka l=uk fcda;s¾fjÈhd ,nk 26 jkod id¾:l fõ oehs wm n,d isáuq'fudjqka fofokdu ;u wkd.; ðúk jD;a;sh ,xiqjg ;nd we;'bkaÈl f;dgj;a; mejiq wkdjelsh my;ska oelafõ'

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