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iu ld,Sk i.hd oñ;a wixl fjkqfjka
pdur ùrisxy lshmq ixfõ§ l;dj Èkl .dhk Ys,amS oñ;a wixl fmd,sis w;awvx.=jg m;a ùu;a iu. fndfyda rislhka iy l,dlrejka oñ;a wixl fjkqfjka bÈßm;a úh' fï w;r oñ;a wixl fjkqfjka pdur ùrisxy ish f*ianqla .sKqfï igykla ;nd ;snqkd'

fndfyda ifydaor Ys,amSka fjkqfjka bÈm;a jk ksy;udks l,dlrefjl= f,i pdur ùrisxy m%isoaO w;r Tyq oñ;a wixlf.a ióm ñ;=frlao fõ'

pdur ;enq igyk my;ska"
He had silenced even a family member with an angry retort when the latter tried to hold a brief for those under fire, they say.

Wn;a ud;a uqK .efykafka 2004 ;rï w;S;hl'' fudKrd., ÿIalr biõjlska yelshdj tlal fï ix.S; ;,h ;rKh lrkak wdmq Wn ug uf.a fyd| u hdÆjd Wfka ys;d.kak neß f,x.;=lulska'' fiakdkdhl fõr,shoaokaf.a yv Ôjudk lrmq yv mrdi fol Wn;a ud;a Wkd oñ;a'' Wfí Ôúf;a f.dvla ;eka ud;a uf.a Ôúf;a f.dvla ;eka Wn;a oekka ysáhd'' ys;kafkj;a ke;s fj,djl ys;kafkj;a ke;s ;eka j,È ñksiaiqkag jrÈkjd uf.a ifydaorhd'' ta jerÈ ñksiaiq yodf.k ta jerÈ j,ska Ôúf;a Yla;su;a lrka ñksiaiq h,s biairyg hkjd' ug úYajdihs Wn tal lrkjd lsh,d''

iq¿;rhla lshk ;rï foaj,a Wng fj,d kE lsh,d ,. ysgmq uu okakjd'' Wng ;sfhkafka mqxÑ m%Yakhla ú;rhs' Wng mq¿jka t;kska ñÈ,d wdfhu fï m%ix. fõÈldjg f.dv fjkak'' Wn tklka ud;a Wng wdof¾ lrk yefudau;a n,dk bkakjd'' blauKg jfrka uf.a ñ;%hd'' Wng f;rejka irKhs''

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