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mqrd jir 12l ld,hla Y%S ,xld rla‌IK la‌fIa;%fha oejeka;u rla‌IK iud.u jk fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK iud.u úiska iudch oekqj;a lsÍfï jevigykla Bfha ^07& WoEik 7 isg iji 6 olajd fld<U w.k.rh flakao% lr.ksñka meje;ajQKs'

fï ioyd fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK iud.fï fld<U 01 ys msysá m%Odk uq,ia:dk ld¾h uKav,h yd fld<U wjg yd fld<Ug kqÿre fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK wdh;khg wh;a YdLdj, fiajfha ksh;= 1500lg wêl ld¾h uKav,h fï ioyd oekqj;a lsÍfï mqjre w;e;sj iyNd.S jQ w;r th Bfha Èkfha WoEik 7 isg 9 olajd fld<U .dÆ uqjfodr msáh wNshi ud¾.fha fomi yd uOHdyak 12 isg 1:30 olajd fld<U ,smagka jgrjqu m%foaYfha yd iji 4 isg 6 olajd rdc.sßh uela fvdk,aâ tl bÈßmi Y%S chj¾Okmqr udjf;a § idudkH ck;djg mSvdldÍ fkdfjk f,i fuu jevigyk meje;aùug fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK wdh;kfha ld¾h uKav,h lghq;= l<y'

fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK iud.u úiska ixúOdkh lrkq ,enQ fuu iudch oekqj;a lsÍfï ld¾hh ioyd fi,skaflda rlaIK iud.fï m%Odk úOdhl ks<OdÍ wð;a .=Kj¾Ok uy;d fukau fi,skaflda rlaIK iud.fï iNdm;s f.dâúka fmf¾rd uy;d yd fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK iud.fï l<ukdlrK wOHla‍I meg%sla w,aúia uy;d fukau" wOHla‍Ijreka jk c.;a w,aúia" frlaia .=K;s,l" wð;a fmf¾rd yd Wmd,s ú;drK hk uy;ajreo fï ioyd iyNd.S úh'

fld<U w.k.rh flakao% lr.ksñka ia:dk ;=kl§ meje;ajqKq fuu jevigykska wk;=rej fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK iud.fï ld¾h uKav,h úiska Tjqka /f.k wd j;=r fnda;,a" fmd,s;ska ljr fukau ishÆ wmo%jH kej; /f.k hdugo lghq;= l, w;r Tjqka /f.k wd wdydr mdk hdplhska iu. fnod yod .ekSugo wu;l fkdlsÍug fi,skaflda idudkH rlaIK iud.fï ish¿u ld¾h uKav,h j. n,d .;ay'

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