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ima;j¾K foaÿkq Ochla /f.k wd fhdjqka YsIHdjlf.a l%Svd lghq;= ;ykï lsÍu we;=¿ oeä ;yxÑ ud,djla fld<U yf;a iqmsß mdi,la úiska mkjd ;sfí'
fld<U cd;Hka;r mdif,a Wiia fm< yodrk hෞjkshlg tu oKavkh mekjQ md,kdêldßh weh mdi,ska wia lsÍfï wjodkug uqyqK md isák njgo wk;=re wÛjd we;'

jevn,k úÿy,am;sks úiska foudmshka fj; hjk ,o ,smshlska okajd we;s mßÈ “.eyeKq <uhskag fkd.e,fmk” È.= l,siula ye| mdi,g meñ”u;a .=re úfrdaOh fkd;ld foaÿkq j¾K Ochla /f.k tau;a YsIHdj úiska lrk ,o úkh úfrdaë lghq;= f,i oelafjhs'

Bg oඬqjï f,iska mdif,a ishÆu l%Svd lghq;=" ixj;air W;aij iy fudaia‌;r m%o¾Yk we;=¿ ndysr l%shdldrlï j,ska YsIHdj bj;a lsÍfï oeä ;Skaÿj f.k ;sfí'

;uka m%sh lrk j¾Kj;a we÷ulska ieriS mdi,a fudaia‌;r m%o¾Ykhl fmkS isàug YsIHdj .;a W;aidyh úkh úfrdaë l%shdjla nj ..k fj;o msgm;la ,eî we;s  úÿy,am;sksf.a ,smsfha i|yka fjhs'

“fudaia‌;r m%o¾Ykfha w¢k we÷fï wx.hla f,i foaÿkq fldäh me<¢ug wehg wjYH úh' Bg bv Èh fkdyels nj;a" th fkdbjik nj;a wehg lshk ,§' weh È.gu tu lndh mqyqKqùï i|yd /f.k wdjdh' ;j ÿrg;a fudaia‌;r m%o¾Ykhg fmkS isáh fkdyels nj wehg oekqï fok ,§' tfy;a weh mqyqKq i|yd meñKshdh' wo Wfoa weh mdi,g f.kd foaÿkq fldäfhka .uka u,a, wdjrKh lr ;enqjdh' th bj;a lsÍu weh úiska m%;slafIam lrk ,§' fuh úkh úfrdaë l%shdjla fukau mdi,a kS;s W,a,x>khla nj;a wehg meyeÈ,s lr fok ,§'”

ta iïnkaOfhka YsIHdj mE úfrdaOh “wdpdrYS,S iy f.!rj iïmkak fkdjk” nj jev n,k úÿy,am;skshf.a woyihs'

foaÿkq Och iuldó whs;sh ixfla;j;a lrhs'

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