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leìkÜ uKav,h wo Èjqreï fohs
uqo,a yd udOH ux.,g - úÿ,sh - rù

tlai;a cd;sl fmruqK wdKavqfõ wud;H uKav,fhka fldgila muKla wo ^20& fmrjrefõ  ckdêm;s ld¾hd,fha § Èjqreï§ug kshñ; nj tu ld¾hd, wdrxÑ ud¾. ioyka lrhs'

tu wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrk wdldrhg wud;Hjreka 28 fofkl= fyg Èkfha§ Èjqreï §ug kshñ; w;r tu wud;H Oqr w;ßka lsysmhla wm fj; oek .ekSug ,eî we;' ta wkqj"

kj wud;H uKav,h hgf;a ið;a fma%uodi uy;dg ksjdi yd bÈlsÍï wud;H Oqrh o" ux., iurùr uy;dg uqo,a yd ckudOH wud;H Oqrh o" rù lreKdkdhl uy;dg úÿ,sn, yd n, Yla;s wud;H Oqrh o" id., r;akdhlg uy;dg jrdh yd kdjql wud;H Oqrh o" pïmslr rKjl uy;dg uyd k.r yd niakdysr wud;H Oqrho" rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;dg fi!LH wud;H Oqrh o  ysñjkq we;ehs jd¾;dfõ'

flfia jqj;a wfkl=;a wud;Hjreka iy Tjqkaf.a úIh m:hka fuf;la jd¾;d ù fkdue;s w;r" ckdêm;s isßfiak úiska fm!oa.,sl ;ryd fmkajd foñka wud;Hjreka i;= úIh m: iy wud;HxY ,nd§u m%;slafIam lrk ;;a;ajhla u;=j ;sfnk njo jd¾;d fjhs'

úÿ,sn, iy n,Yla;s rúg 

wo fm'j' 8'30g leìkÜ uKav,h Èjqreï §ug kshñ; w;r bka wk;=rej leìkÜ /iaùu o meje;aùug ;SrKh lr we;ehs ckdêm;s ld¾hd, wdrxÑ ud¾. mjihs'

tu wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrk wdldrhg wud;Hjreka 28 fofkl= wo Èkfha§ Èjqreï §ug kshñ; w;r ta wkqj" ksjdi" bÈlsÍï yd ixialD;sl wud;H f,i ið;a fma%uodi uy;d;a" fi!LH fmdaIK yd foaYSh ffjoH wud;Hjrhd f,i ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d;a" úÿ,sn, iy n,Yla;s wud;Hjrhd f,i rù lreKdkdhl uy;d;a" uqo,a yd udOH wud;Hjrhd f,i ux., iurùr uy;d;a" uyk.r iy niakdysr ixj¾Ok wud;Hjrhd f,i mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;d;a Èõreï §ug kshñ;h'

35 fofkl=f.a kï ,ehsia;=jla 

leìkÜ wud;Hjre i|yd 35 fofkl=f.a kï ,ehsia;=jla tlai;a cd;sl fmruqK úiska ckm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d fj; fhduqlr we;ehs uOHu m<d;a iNd ikaOdk uka;%S m%ñ; nKavdr f;kakfldaka uy;d mjihs'

ish Üúg¾ .sKqfuka Tyq m%ldY lrkafka Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha mshfiak .uf.a" ta'tÉ'tï' *jqis" ,laIauka fifkúr;ak yd úchuqKs fidhsdidf.a kïo ta w;r we;s njhs'

 ckm;sg ysñ wud;HdxY @

ckdêm;sjrhd iy w.ue;sjrhd o leìkÜ uKav,fha idudðlhka neúka 19 fjks wdKavql%u jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh m%ldr leìkÜ uKav,hg m;a l< yelafla ;j;a weu;sjreka 28 fofkl= muKs'

wfkla wud;Hjrekag wjia:dj i,id §u msKsi wjYH kï ;uka iy ßIdâ nÈhq§ka uka;%Sjrhd iafjÉPdfjka ;k;=re Ndr fkdf.k isàug iQodkï nj ufkda .fkaIka uka;%Sjrhd i|yka lr ;snqKs'

19 jeks wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ 51 jeks j.ka;sh wkqj ckm;sjrhdg ;uka hgf;a ;nd .; yels wud;HdxY ms<sn|j meyeÈ,s úêúOdk we;s nj ckdêm;s kS;s{ f–'iS' je,swuqK uy;d mjihs'

Tyq mjikafka wdrlaIl" uyje,s ixj¾Ok yd mßir hk úIhhka ckm;sjrhd hgf;a mj;sk njhs'


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