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l=uka;%K wdKavqfõ  w.ue;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a iy wud;H uKav,fha lghq;= w;aysgqjñka wNshdpkdêlrKh ,ndÿka w;=re ksfhda.h C%shd;aul lsÍu j<lajd,ñka ksfhda.hla ksl=;a lrk f,i b,a,d fYa%IaGdêlrKfha f.dkqlr we;s fm;aiu t<fUk isl=rdod ^14& úNd.hg .ekSug kshñ;kuq;a Bg tfrysj fyg ^13& fudaiula f.dkqlsÍug kshñ; nj jd¾;d fjhs'

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WHEREAS this matter was taken up on 12th December 2018 without due notice to the Respondents;

AND WHEREAS in deference to the request of court, Mr. K. Kanag-Isvaran PC took notice of the application for special leave to appeal on the basis of the undertaking of the Petitioners-Respondents that complete briefs in this and other connected applications would be delivered to his chambers by 4:00pm on 12th December 2018;

AND WHEREAS at the insistence of the Petitioners this application was fixed for support on Friday, 14th December 2018;

AND WHEREAS it now transpires that there is only one bench of Your Lordships' Court sitting on 14th December 2018, comprising also of Hon. Justice Eva Wanasundera;

AND WHEREAS the ... Respondents are reliably informed that Hon. Justice Eva Wanasundera had in an interview published in the Deshaya newspaper of 6th July 2014 that she was very close to Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa and who called her to meet him and offered her appointment to the Supreme Court bench;

AND WHEREAS the said Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa is the Petitioner whose appointment is the subject matter of this application;

AND WHEREAS in the circumstances the ... Respondents entertain serious concerns pertaining to this matter being taken up by a bench of Your Lordships' Court comprising Hon. Justice Eva Wanasundera who is listed to sit on the only bench to sit on Friday, 14th December 2018;
I respectfully MOVE that Your Lordships' Court be pleased to make appropriate direction in respect of the hearing of this application on 14th December 2018.

Registered Attorney-at-Law for the ... Respondents.

Notice of this Motion has been dispatched to the Petitioners in proof whereof the relevant registered postal article is appended hereto.

Registered Attorney-at-Law for the ... Respondents.

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