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idufha l=ure Wmka
wisßu;a k;a;, Wodfjhs

l<.=K ie,lSu" iduh yd tluq;=lu iy w÷frka wf,dalhg hdula fmkajd §u fjkqfjka wisßu;a k;a;,a W;aijh wo Èk ls;=kq ne;su;=ka iurkq ,efí'

Y%S ,dxlsl lf;da,sl ck;djg fukau f,dj mqrd ishÆu lf;da,sl ck;dj wo Èk wisßu;a k;a;,a Èk ieuÍug tlaj isák w;r tfiau lf;da,sl fkdjk ck;djg ;u ifydaor lf;da,sl ck;dj iuÛ k;a;, ieuÍug tlaj isàu úfYaI;ajhls'

b;sydifha i|yka jk mßÈ l%sia;=ia jykafia Wm; isÿ jQ l%s'mQ'4 fyda 3 jeks jif¾ jk w;r uq,a hq.fha tkï l%sia;= j¾I ;=kajk ishji j; f;la ls;= Wm; ieuÍula isÿ fkdlf<ah' tl, frdau kS;sh wkqj Wm; ieuÍu ;ykï jqjo ls;= oyu je<o.;a frdau wêrdcHhd tf;la foieïn¾ 25 jk Èk fh§ ;snqKq frdaujrekaf.a ysre ms§fï W;aijh ls;= Wm; ieureug fhdod .ekSug wK lr ;sfí' Bg iu.dó tod isg wo olajd fkdfhla wxf.damdx. tla fjñka úÑ;%‍j;a wisßu;a kk;a;,a W;aijh ieuÍu isÿ lrkq ,nhs'

kuq;a fuu k;a;,g mokï jQ ls;= Wm; isÿ jQfha foújrekaf.a ieKfl<s  miqìula ;=< fkdjk fcÆfi,fï fn;af,fyfï iS; /hl .j f,kl jqjo tjlg ufyaYdlH W;aij iïm%‍odhdkql+,j meje;aúKs' ta wkqj k;a;,a iufha ls;= Wm; ixfla;jla lrñka iEu  ls;=kq m,a,shla iy ksjila bÈßfha .jf,kla bÈlrñka thg k;a;,a .ila o tlalr ;sfí' tfiau l%sia;=ka jykafia È<s÷ mjq,l bm§u fya;=fjka úfYaIfhka È<s÷ mjq,aj, <uhskag k;a;,a iShd ;E.s fNda. fnodÈu isÿ lrkq ,nhs' k;a;,a iqn me;=ï yqjudre lr .ksñka lefrda,a .S o kkafoiska olakg ,efí'

furg fld<U we;=¿ k.r k;;a,a ieris,s olakg ,efnk w;r ue,alï rxð; ysñhka fujr úfYaI ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka i|yka lrkafka mßir ys;ldó ierisß Ndú; lrñka k;a;,a ieureu isÿ lrk f,ihs' Y%S ,dxlslfhda l%sia;=ka jykafia Wmka foieïn¾ 24 jeks od ueÈhï ? foõ ueÿrej,g f.dia foaj mQcdjg iyNd.s jk w;r miqj t<efUk 25 jeks Èk k;a;,a W;aijh iur;s'

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