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wms rdcmla‍I m,jd yeßhd''
taldêm;shka mkakk f,dalwdo¾Yh tfyuhs- tßla fid,ayhsï

Y‍%S ,xldfõ miq.shod mej;s ckdêm;sjrKh f,dj mqrd m‍%;sixialrKjd§ foaYmd,{hska iy úvdjg m;a ck;djg tlai;aù taldêm;s kdhlhska m,jd yeßh yels wdldrhla ms<sn| wdo¾Yhla iemhQ nj Y‍%S ,xldfõ ysgmq idu ksfhdað; tßla fida,ayhsï mjid ;sfí'

Tyq olajd we;af;a ,xldj ienE wdro¾Yhla njg m;alsÍug kï bÈß jir lsysmh ;=< foaYmd,k m‍%;sixialrK" ixj¾Okh yd iq¿ cd;Skag n,h mejÍu wd§ la‍fIa;‍%hka ;=< w;alr.;a m‍%cd;ka;‍%jd§ ch.‍%yKh bÈßhg f.k hd hq;=j we;s njhs' lsisfjl= fkdo;a ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiakg taldêm;s rdcmla‍I md,kh wjika l< yels njg ,xldfjka tf;r lsisjl= fkdis;+ nj fida,ayhsï mjid ;sfí'

iuia; rdcH hdka;‍%Kh ish ue;sjrK jHdmdrh i|yd fhojQ uyskao rdcmla‍I wjika Èk lsysmh ;=< rdcH udOH Ndú;fhka wi;H jemsÍu iei¢h yelafla ue;sjrK Èkhg fmr ì,a la,skagka ßmí,slka mla‍Ihg tlajQ njg m<úh yels m‍%jD;a;shlg muKla nj Tyqf.a woyihs'

rdcmla‍I md,kh f.or heùu i|yd fou<" uqia,sï kdhlhka iu. W.‍% cd;sljd§ isxy, fn!oaO kdhlhka we;=¿ b;sydifha m<,a;u fmruqKla tlajQ nj;a nyq;r isxy, ck;djf.ka 45]la iu. fou< yd uqia,sï cd;Skaf.a 80]l iyhla u.ska ffu;s‍%md, isßfiakg ckdêm;sjrKh ch.; yelsjQ nj;a tßla fida,ayhsï mjid we;'

Tyq mjid we;af;a kj Y‍%S ,xldj wNsfhda. .Kkdjlg uqyqK§ we;s njhs'  wd¾:sl ixj¾Okh ish¨ cd;Skag m‍%;s,dN w;alr Èh hq;= nj mjik Tyq i|yka lr we;af;a taldêm;s kdhlhd m,jd yeß ,xldjg iq¿cd;Ska fj; wd¾:sl ixj¾Okh yd m‍%cd;ka;‍%Sh m‍%;sixialrK w;alr§u úYd, wNsfhda.hla jkq we;s njhs'

uyskao rdcmla‍I fj; jeiqKq weußldfõ yd hqfrdamd kdhlhkaf.a fodrj,a wNskj ckm;sjrhd fj; újr jkq we;s nj;a ngysr wdfhdaclhska Ök wdfhdack yd ;r`. jeÈh hq;= nj;a Tyqf.a woyi ù ;sfí'

iq¿ cd;Ska iu. yd fou< cd;sl m‍%Yakh úi£u i|yd kj rch Okd;aul m‍%;spdrhla olajd we;s w;r isú,a hqoaOfha wjika wÈhrhkays isÿjQ udkj ysñlï lvùï msßlaiSug Tjqka mshjr .kq we;s njgo fida,ayhsï úYajdih m< lr we;'

fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh yd ,xld rch w;r idlÉP weröfï jeo.;alu wjOdrKh lr we;s fida,ayhsï ,xldfõ ck;djg yd tys rchg iyh fok f,i f,dal m‍%cdfjka b,a,Sulao lr we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

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