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tla jqfka tcdmhg fkdfjhs''
wms tla jqfKa hymd,kh ioyd jQ
tlai;a cd;sl mlaI fmruqKg
- pïmsl rKjl

tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh m%uqL hymd,kh i|yd jQ tlai;a cd;sl fmruqfKka fujr uy ue;sjrKhg ;r`. l<;a uE; Èkj, tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha l%shd l,dmh ms<sn| ish u;jdohkays fjkila isÿ fkdjk nj cd;sl fy< Wreufha uyf,alï wud;H mdG,S pïmsl rKjl mjihs'

uy nexl= ne÷ïlr .kqfokqj fukau 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh iïu; lr .ekSug lghq;= fkdlsÍu ms<sn| wud;H mdG,S pïmsl rKjl udi lsysmfha§ tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh oeä f,i úfõpkh l< w;r ta ms<sn| úuiSfï§ wud;Hjrhd lshd isáfha tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh iu. tlaj ;r`. lrkuq;a ;u u;jdohkaf.a fjkila isÿ fkdjk njhs'

‘wms tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh iu. tlafj,d keye' wms tla jqfKa hymd,kh ioyd jQ tlai;a cd;sl mlaI fmruqKg' tfla ;sfhk .súiqfïu ;sfhkjd wfma u;jdohka fjk fjku mj;ajd f.k hd yels njg' wms tla jqfKa tla wruqKlg ta ckjdß 8 ch.%yKh bÈßhg f.kshkak’ wud;Hjrhd mejiSh'

ckjdß 8 jeksod ckdêm;sjrfhla ìys jqj;a Bg iß,k md¾,sfïka;=jla ìys fkdúu ksid we;eï foaYmd,k m%;sixialrK isÿ lsÍug fkdyels jQ nj mjik mdG,S pïmsl rKjl wud;Hjrhd tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh ckjdß 8 ckjrug .re fkdlr blauka n,h n,dfmdfrd;a;=fjka lghq;= isÿ lsÍu thg fya;= jQ nj lshd isáfhah'


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