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Ök yuqod meis*sla l,dmfha we;s wefußldkq iy ñ;% mdlaIsl b,lalj,g ,myr§u i|yd úh yels mqyqKqjl, fhfok njg wk;=re wÛjhs'

fndaïn /.;a hdkd jeä ÿrlg mshdir lsÍfï yelshdj j¾Okh lr.ekSug Ökh lghq;= lrñka isák nj wefußldkq fldx.%ihg ish jd¾Isl jd¾;dj bÈßm;a lrñka fyj;a trg wdrlaIl fomd¾;fïka;=j lshd isà'

fvd,¾ ì,shk 190 l weia;fïka;=.; wdrlaIl úhoï o we;=¿j Ökh ;ukaf.a hqo yelshdj j¾Okh lr.ksñka isák nj jd¾;dfjka biau;= lr olajhs'

tu jd¾;dj iïnkaOfhka Ökh fï olajd m%;spdr olajd ke;'

.=jka m%ydr ms<sn| wk;=re weÛùu" Ökfha hqo iy wd¾:sl wNs,dY ms<sn| l< mq¿,a ú.%yhl fldgila muKs'

, jir ;=k mqrd" uyck úuqla;s yuqodj ^Ök yuqodj& id.rhg by<ska fndaïn oeófï yelshdj fõ.fhka j¾Okh l<d' ta wkqj" ;SrKd;aul iuqo% l,dm ;=< w;aoelSï jeälr .ksñka iy wefußldjg yd ñ;% b,lalj,g tfrysj myrÈh yels mqyqKqùïj, fhÿkd, hehs jd¾;dfõ i|ykafõ'

tfiau" tjeks .=jka .uka u.ska <Ûdlr .ekSug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jk wfmalaIdj wmeyeÈ<s nj tys jeäÿrg;a i|ykafõ'

uyck úuqla;s yuqodj iuyr úg , .=jdï ^Guam& o ngysr meis*sla id.rfha we;s wefußldkq iy ñ;% mdlaIsl yuqod iy yuqod l|jqrej,g myr§ug we;s yelshdj, fmkaùug bvla mj;sk nj;a jd¾;dj fmkajdfoa'

,igka lsÍug iy ÈkSug, Ökh ish yuqod m%;sjHqy.; lrñka isák nj o bka lshd isà'

ó<Û jir 10 ;=< Ök hqo úhou fvd,¾ ì,shk 240 olajd jeälsÍug wfmalaId lrk nj o lshefõ'

tfiau tu.ska ,wNHjldYh yuqodlrKhg tfrys ia:djrhl uyckhd isáho, jeäÈhqKq lrñka mj;sk Ökfha wNHjldY jevms<sfj, .ek o jd¾;dfõ i|yka fõ'

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