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Y%S ,xld ixpdrl l¾udka;fha fõ.j;a j¾Okhla wfmalaId lrñka foia úfoia wdfhdaclhka úiska furg ixpdrl kjd;eka myiqlï fjkqfjka l%shd;aul lsÍug fhdað; jHdmD;sj, wkque;shg jehjk ld,h iy msßjeh wju lsÍu i|yd Y%S ,xld ixpdrl ixj¾Ok wêldßh iy kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßh wjfndaO;d .súiqulg w;aika ;nhs'

tu wdh;k fol w;r mj;sk iyfhdaÛS;dj ;jÿrg;a by< kxjd.ksñka fï wjfndaO;d .súiqug t<U ;sfnk w;r tuÛska Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrl kjd;eka bÈlsÍfï wfmalaIdfjka miqjk foia úfoia ixpdrlhkag ta jHdmD;sj, wkque;sh i|yd jehjk ld,h;a uqo,;a úYd, jYfhka b;sßlr .ekSug yelsjkq we;' fï wjfndaO;d .súiqug w;aika ;eîu fld<U § Bfha ^15& isÿflreKq w;r Y%S ,xld ixpdrl ixj¾Ok wêldßfha iNdm;s ldjka r;akdhl iy kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßfha iNdm;s wdpd¾h c.;a uqKisxy uy;ajre Bg w;aika l<y'

fujeks jHdmD;s l%shd;aul lsÍfï § wdfhdaclhkag myiq f,i wkque;sh ,nd§fï l%shdj,sh ld¾hlaIu lsÍug tu wdh;k folu tlÛ ù ;sfnk w;r tu wkque;sh ,nd§fï l%shdj,sh läkï lsÍu fjkqfjka wka;¾cd;sl ixj¾Okh i|yd jk tlai;a ckmo wdh;kh úiska ;dlaIKsl iydh ,ndfohs' mshjr folla hgf;a fuh l%shdjg kexùug kshñ; w;r wka;¾ld,Sk úi÷ula f,i th l%shd;aul lrhs' Bg wu;rj tu l%shdj,sh wdfhdaclhkaf.a myiqj fjkqfjka mß.Kl .;lsÍug o ie,eiqïlr ;sfí' fï w;r Y%S ,xld ixpdrl ixj¾Ok wêldßfha wOHlaI ckrd,a mS'hQ r;akdhl uy;d mejiQfõ ixpdrl kjd;eka bÈlsÍfï jHdmD;sj, wkque;sh i|yd wo jkúg úYd, ld,hla iy msßjehla oeÍug isÿj ;sfnk kuq;a bÈßfha § kj jevms<sfj<;a iuÛ foia úfoia wdfhdaclhkag fuf;la meje;s ÿIalr;d wju jk nj;ah' t<fUk 2020 muK jkúg furgg meñfKk úfoia ixpdrlhkaf.a ixLHdj ,laI 45 olajd by< kexùu" ixpdrl l¾udka;fha iDcq iy jl% /lshd wjia:d m%udKh 15"000"000 olajd j¾Okh lsÍu" Wmhk úfoaY úksuh m%udKh wefußldkq fvd,¾ ì,shk 7 olajd by< kexùu" fydag,a ldur ixLHdj 80"000 olajd by< kexùu wdÈh wfmalaId lrhs'

wjqreÿ y;rl ixpdrl l%fudamdhsl ie,eiqula rch úiska bÈßm;alr ;sfnk w;r tys m<uq mshjr jYfhka fï kj jevms<sfj< yÿkajhs'

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