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nÿ,a, w¨f.d,a, m‍%Odk ud¾.fha Bfha ^27od& Wfoa 8'20 g muK Odjkh fjñka ;snQ ,x.u nia r:hla ud¾.fhka bj;g mek wä 75 la muK .eUqre m‍%md;hlg fmr<S hEfuka tys .uka l< 15 yeúßÈ msßñ orejl= ñhf.dia ldka;djka 12 fokl= we;=¿ 34 fokl= nrm;< ;=jd, ,nd frday,a .; lr we;' 

nia‌ r:h nÿ,a, wÆf.d,a, ud¾.fha oykjfha lE,a, m%foaYfha§ ud¾.fhka bj;g mek m%md;hlg fmr<S f.dia‌ we;s nj úu¾Ykj,ska fy<s ù ;sfí'

jg lSmhla‌ fmr<S .sh nia‌ r:h m%md;h my< msysá myka lKqjl isr ù we;' nia‌ r:h tfia ysr ù k;r fkdjQfha kï th ;j;a my<g fmr<S Ôú; ydks úYd, ixLHdjla‌ isÿùug bv ;snQ nj fmd,sish mjihs'

wk;=r isÿjk wjia‌:dfõ u.Ska 46 fokl= nia‌ r:fha .uka lrñka isg we;' fuys§ ñh .sh 15 yeúßÈ fudfyduâ wdlS¾ orejd ùr.u lkafoaf.or m%foaYfha mÈxÑ lrefjla‌ úh' wdlS¾f.a mshdo wk;=r isÿjk wjia‌:dfõ nia‌ r:fha .uka lrñka isá w;r Tyq ;=jd, ,nd Èú .,jdf.k we;' fyf;u Èjhskg woyia‌ ola‌jñka lshd isáfha ;u mq;%hd nia‌r:j, bÈßmi wiqkaj, heug leue;a;la‌ ola‌jk nj;a fuu nia‌ r:fha o bÈßmi wiqfka .uka lrñka isáh§ wk;=rg ,la‌ jQ nj;ah'

wk;=r isÿ jQ jydu l%shd;aul jQ nÿ,a, fmd,sisfha ks,OdÍka hqoyuqod ks,OdÍka iy m%foaYjdiSka tla‌j oeä fjfyila‌ ord nia‌ r:fha isr ù isá u.Ska bj;g f.k nÿ,a, frday,g hEùug lghq;= lr ;sìKs' fuu udrl wk;=rg fya;=j fuf;la‌ wkdjrKh ù fkdue;' wk;=ßka nia‌ r:hgo oeä ydks isÿ ù we;' nÿ,a, fmd,sish fuu wk;=r iïnkaOfhka úu¾Yk mj;ajdf.k hhs'

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