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jhi wjqreÿ 18 g wvq l=vd oeßhl" ueo fmrÈ. .Dy fiajhg hjd ;sìh§" trg § wehg we;s jQ m%Yakhla‌ u;" trg Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,fha /|jqï uOHia‌:dkfha isg furgg tùfuka miq" wmrdO mÍla‌IK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ks,OdÍka fï ms<sn|j mÍla‌IK mj;ajñka isá;s'

 weh ;%sl=Kdu,h" lskakshd m%foaYfha mÈxÑ oeßhls' weh 2000 jif¾ Wm; ,nd we;s nj m%ldY l< o" weh ffjoH mÍla‌IK j,g ,la‌ l< ffjoHjreka wehf.a ienE jhi wjqreÿ 17 fyda 18 la‌ úh yels nj m%ldY lr ;sfí'

 fuu oeßh fnfyúka ÿmam;a mjq,l whl= jk w;r" wehf.a foudmshka isák njo wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

 weh jirl fi!È wrdìfha ysi .id oeuQ ßidkd trgg hEjQ /lshd tackaish u.skau" jHdc ,sms f,aLk ilia‌ lr" úfoaY .Dy fiajh i|yd fhduq lr we;s njo fidhdf.k ;sfí'

 wíÿ,a fudfyduâ kue;s jHdc kulska fmkS isák weh" jhi wjqreÿ 10 § muK uq,skau fi!È wrdìfha;a" miqj ;j;a ku fkdokakd ueo fmrÈ. rgl;a fiajh lr ;sfí'

 miqj weh ´udkfha .Dy fiajfha fh§ isáh§ we;s jQ m%Yakhka u;" Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,fha" /|jqï uOHia‌:dkfha isg bl=;a 19 Èk WoEik 7'20 g ´udka .=jka fiajfha ví,sõ' jhs') 371 ork .=jka hdkfhka lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmd< fj; tjd ;snQ w;r" tys§ wmrdO mÍla‌IK fomd¾;fïka;= ks,OdÍka fj; ,eî ;snQ f;dr;=re u;" weh w;awvx.=jg f.k mÍla‌IK mj;ajd ;sfí'

 ;j;a fujeks <dnd, <uqka úYd, msßila‌ ueo fmrÈ. úúO rgj,

 /lshd i|yd fhduq lr we;s nj wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

 fï jk úg fuu úfoaY /lshd wdh;kfha tla‌ mqoa.,hl= w;awvx.=jg f.k" jeäÿr mÍla‌IK mj;ajñka isà'


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