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foaYmd,k ys;j;alï u; /lshd ,nd §u fjkqjg olaI;dj u; iqÿiaidg /lshd ,nd foñka rfÜ wd¾:slh Yla;su;a lsÍug lghq;= lrñka isák nj uqo,a yd ckudOH wud;H ux., iurùr uy;d m%ldY lrhs'

wud;Hjrhd fmkajd fokafka cd;sh" wd.u fyda foaYmd,k mlaIh u; mokïj /lshd ,nd §fï hq.h wjika njhs' kj f¾.= mÍlaIl fojeks fYa%Ksfha ks,OdÍka 77 fokl=g m;aùï ,sms m%odkh lsÍu i|yd uqo,a yd ckudOH wud;HdxY kj Y%jKd.drfha meje;s W;aijhg tlafjñka wud;Hjrhd fï nj lshd isáfha h'

,rgg m%Odk;u wdodhï fok ;ek ;uhs Y%S ,xld f¾.=j' f¾.=j" iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=j" foaYSh wdodhï fomd¾;fïka;=j lshk fomd¾;fïka;= ;=k ksid ;uhs fï rg ÿjkafk' rfÜ orejkag m<uq fYa%Ksfha b|, úYaj úoHd,h olajd wOHdmkh ,nd fokafk" ksoyia fi!LH ,nd fokafk fï wdodhfuka ;uhs' b;ska wo Tn fï tlajkafk tjeks wd¾:sl jYfhka jeo.;au ;ekl /lshdjlghs'

wms fï m;aùï ,nd §fï § neÆfj olaI;dj muKhs' 7"400l ú;r msßila w;ßka b;du ;r.ldÍ úNd.hlska iy iïuqL mÍlaIKhlska iu;a fj,d ;uhs Tn 77 fokd wo fï weú;a bkafk' fjk;a hq.hl kï fï m;aùï 77ka 99]la u ,efnkafk ud;rg' wo tfyu fkfjhs' wms wd.u" cd;sh" m%foaYh fyda foaYmd,k mlaIh n,, fkfjhs fï m;aùï ,nd §, ;sfhkafk'

Tn fï /lshdj lroaÈ úúO udrfhd yuqfjhs' kS;Hdkql+, jf.a u kS;Hkql+, fkdjk l%uj,ska uqo,a Wmhkak lsh, l;d lrhs' Tn ta udrhka hgm;a l< hq;=hs‘‘ hehs o wud;Hjrhd jeä ÿrg;a mejeiSh'

gossip , gossip lanka , Sri Lanka gossip, Sri Lanka Sinhala gossip _____________________________________________________________________________________
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