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fydr ryfia furgg f.k tk fldaá .Kka jákd NdKav fldgq lr .ekSu msKsi uqo,a yd ckudOH weue;s ux., iurùr uy;df.a Wmfoia u; ryia fmd,sish iy f¾.=j u.ska fjia j,d.;a ks,OdÍkaf.ka iukaú; jeg,Sï cd,hla rgmqrd wdrïN lr we;s w;r" tu jeg,Sïj, m%;sM,hla jYfhka remsh,a fldaáhlg jeä jákdlulska hq;a r;a;rka f;d.hla iuÛ iellrejl= Bfha fmrjrefõ ryia fmd,sish u.ska lgqkdhl .=jkaf;dgqfmdf<a § w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfí'

ld,hla ;siafia furgg fydr ryfia b;d jákd ñ,uqo,a r;a;rka iy fjk;a NdKav f;d. msáka f.k tkq ,nk neúka bka furgg ,eìh hq;= fldaá ish .Kkl f¾.= wdodhula fkd,eî hhs' ‍tfia fydr ryfia f.k tk NdKavj,ska fldgq lr .ekSug yels jkafka b;d iq¿ m%udKhla muKs'

;j ÿrg;a fï;rï úYd, Ok ydkshla isÿùug bv fkd;nñka od weue;s ux., iurùr uy;d ryia fmd,sisfha wOHlaIjrhd iy f¾.= n,OdÍka iuÛ idlÉcd mj;ajd fufia fydr ryfia rg ;=<g f.k tk NdKav we;=¿ jákd o%jH fldgq lr .ekSug oekg l%shd;aul jk jeg,Sïj,g jvd fjkia ‍l%uhla wkq.ukh lsÍug ;srKh lrkq ,eìKs'

ta wkqj tfia ;Skaÿ lr.;a mßÈ ryia fmd,sisfha iy f¾.=fõ fjiaj,d.;a jeg,Sï ks,OdÍka fhdojd fufyhqï wdrïN lr ;snqKs' tu jeg,Sï wdrïN ù Èk lsysmhlska fï wdldrfhka remsh,a fldaáhlg jeä jákdlulska hq;a r;a;rka lsf,da úiaila iuÛ tu úfoaYslhd w;awvx.=jg .ekSug yelsù we;'

vqndhs isg furgg meñKs bka§h cd;slhl= jQ fï mqoa.,hd úiska Tyq‍f.a we÷ïj, iÛjdf.k fï r;a;rka f;d.h f.kú;a we;' jhi wjqreÿ 47la jQ fï iellre fndaidf,a O¾urdÊ .x.dOq¾ kue;s wfhls' fudyq bkaÈhdfõ isg lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmd<g meñK bka msgg hdug isáh§ by; i|yka fjia j,d.;a lKavdhu úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

fudyq ks;r ks;r fufia fï r;a;rka we;=¿ fjk;a jákd NdKav f.k tk mqoa.,hl= hehs ryia ‍ fmd,sish iel lrhs' fudyqf.ka ;jÿrg;a r|jdf.k m%Yak lrf.k hhs'

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