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uydk.r yd niakdysr ixj¾Ok wud;HdxYh u.ska bÈlsÍug fhdað; fydaud.u ;dlaIK k.rh fjkqfjka rch u.ska f;dard.;a bvï rchg mejÍu i|yd jk tlÛ;d idlÉPdjla wo WoEik 10'30 g wud;Hjrhdf.a m‍%Odk;ajfhka meje;aúK' Bg y÷kd.;a bvï fldgia mfyau md¾Yjlrejkag wdrdOkd lr ;snQ w;r bka md¾Yj ;=kla Bfha ^20& idlÉPdjg tlaúh'

ta wkqj  ffcj ;dlaIK m¾fhaIK f.dvke.s,s bÈlsÍug fhdað; oUqf.d,a,j;a; m‍%foaYfha wlalr 13 la rchg mejÍug tlÛ;djhg t<ôK' ;jo" wd;¾ iS' la,dla m¾fhaIK uOHia:dkh bÈlsÍug fhdað; fydrf.d,a,j;a; NQñfhka wlalr 11 lg ysñlï lshk md¾Yjhka úiska ish tlÛ;djh o ,ndfok ,È' oekg bÈlsÍï isÿ lrk w¨fnda.yj;a; NQñfhka wlalr 5 l fldgilg o wod, tlÛ;djhka i|yd wo WoEik meje;s idlÉPdfõ§ t<ôk' wo Èkfha idlÉPdjg meñ”ug fkdyels jQ wod, bvïj, ysñldÍ;ajh orK md¾Yjlrejkag kej; idlÉPdjlg wdrdOkdjla isÿ lrk nj o jHdmD;s ld¾hd,h m‍%ldY lrhs'

wo ojfia ;dlaIK k.rh fjkqfjka bvï rch fj; mejÍug tlÛjQ md¾Yjhka m‍%ldY lr isáfha" rfÜ bÈß ixj¾Okhg Rcqj odhl lr .; yels m<odhS ;dlaIK k.rhla ìys lsÍug ;ukaf.a mQ¾K odhl;ajh ,ndfok njhs' oekg b;d iq¿ msßila úiska fjk;a wruqKq uq,a lr .ksñka isÿ lrkq ,nk wi;H m‍%pdr fjkqjg úêu;a oekqj;a lsÍfï C%ufõohla .u ;=< isÿ lrk f,i o Tjqka úiska b,a,d isáfha h'

bÈß Èk y; we;=<; wod, NQñ m‍%foaYhka ys úêu;a uekSï lghq;= isÿ lsÍug jHdmD;s lKavdhu iy kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßh lghq;= lrhs' jHdmD;sh i|yd wjYH bvï wlalr 450 ka fï jk úg;a wlalr 200 la rch fj; mjrdf.k we;s w;r bÈß mjrd.ekSïj,§ o lsis÷ wdldrhl wC%ñl;djhla fyda wmyiq;djhla we;sjk wdldrfhka lghq;= fkdlsÍug jHdmD;s lKavdhu lghq;= lrk njg jHdmD;s wOHla‍Ijrhd fmkajd fohs' oekg mjrdf.k we;s bvïj, jkaÈ uqo,a ,nd§ug úêu;aj isÿfjñka mj;sk w;r th bÈß Èk 30 we;=<§ iïmQ¾Kfhkau isÿlr wjika lrk njo wud;H mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;d mjihs'

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